London: Part 1

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When I started to write this, I notice it would be long. So I'll write it in two parts and next part will be up in a few hours. I hope you like it.

She unlocked her door and walked in. She took off her jacket and put her bag down. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she picked it up. 'Hey honey. I'll be late home. But I see you in a few hours. I misses your smile. I love you.' She smiled to the text message and texted Ray back. She walked into the kitchen, over to the fridge. There she found a envelope sitting on the side with her name on it. She took it in her hands and opened it. 'Hi beautiful. I have buyed two tickets to London and I'd be happy if you would go with me there. I'll meet you on the plane. The plane goes in six hours. It's a small vacation for three days. We will be staying at Grand Hotel in central London. In London we will do some sightseeing, but we have also a lot of free time. Your ticket is lying in the envelope. Please come.' She smiled. She looked in the envelope and there her ticket laid. Then she looked at the clock. 8pm, the plane will go 2am, she thought. She laid the envelope on the counter and walked in to the bedroom. She packed a small bag with clothes and some other stuff. Then she sat down on the couch and started to read her book.

She walked on the plane and found her seat. She put her handbag above her and then saw him. "Tony???" She said suprised. "Hi Ziva. I, I didn't think you would come." Tony said. "But I'm glad you did." He added. "What the heck Tony! I thought it was Ray. Do you know how angry he will be when he finds out I'm in London with you?? I'm going." Ziva almost yelled, grabbing her handbag out again. Tony stood up and grabbed her shoulders. "Look Zi, I know this is a big suprise for you. But if I'd have written it was from me you would never come. Gibbs forced me to take some days off. And I want to spend them with you. Please don't leave this plane." "I don't know.." She hissed. "Ray will be mad when he finds out. And why would I risk my marriage to go with you. Gibbs forced you, not me. Let me go." Tony let go off her and looked at her with sad eyes. "I'm sorry." She said taking her handbag and walked out. "Miss, the plane leaves in 7 minutes." "I know. Thank you." Ziva answered and continued to walk. She sat down on a seat at the airport. "The flight to London leaves in 3 minutes. Hurry up, we are not waiting." They said in the speakers. She looked at the sign. She stood up and ran to her gate. In last minute, she sat down on her seat next to Tony. "Ziva. What about Ray?" Tony asked suprised. "He can't forbidden me to be with my friend and partner." She said smiling. "Thank you for change your mind. I'm glad you are here with me. We will have fun." Tony said grabbing Ziva's hand. He intertwined their fingers with a smile. She smiled back at him, and rested her head against his shoulder. "When will we be landing in London?" She asked. "They are 7 hours ahead us. So right now the clock is 9am and the flight takes around 7 hours with no stop.
So we will be there around 4pm in British time." "Oh okay." She said and yawned. "You should sleep." Tony said and stroked her hair. "Can I ask one thing? Why did you bring me with you? Why not your dad or anyone else?" "I wanted to be with you, more than anyone else. Since you married Ray, we haven't spend a lot of time together. I misses that." "Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't know you felt like that." Ziva said and looked down at her feet. "It's why I didn't write that it was from me. I knew you wouldn't come if you knew it was from me." "I'm sorry. Ray don't like when I spend time with you outside work. He thinks I spend already too much time with you. I'm glad you invited me to this. But I really, really can pay some of this. You have done enough for me already." "No I'll not let you pay. It's my days off and you should just have some fun days off, without paying for this. But I'm glad you changed your mind. Now get some sleep." She smiled and kissed his cheek. Then she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "Is this ok?" She asked and nuzzled a bit onto his chest. "Of course." He said, rubbing her back.

7 hours later
Ziva woke up and they said in the speakers "the plane will land in 20 minutes." Ziva looked at Tony who was still asleep. "Tony wake up." She whispered in his ear sweetly. "Mmm yeah." He said sleepy and sat up. He rubbed his eyes then looked at Ziva. "The plane will land in 20 minutes." She said smiling. "Great." He said as he yawned and stretched his arms out above him. She giggled then snuggled up to him. He smiled when he heard her giggle. He missed her a lot. Before she started to date Ray and everything they had one day each week, they went out and then went back to some of them and watched movies. Just having a great time together. But it changed when Ray came into the picture. He just saw her at work. He missed her company, but most her smile and giggle. He loved that women but he couldn't tell her. She was married to Ray and he would be pissed off as it is already, and she doesn't love him. But at least he would have some great three days, just she and him. He was happy she was there with him.

You want me to continue on part 2? I know this is long already. It wasn't supposed to be so long but I just kept getting ideas while I was writing.

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