Abby and Halloween

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Got inspired by @VasoAl2002 to do a halloween story. Hope you like it.
🕸👻🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃👻🕸

A week ago
"Abby, turn down the music!" Ziva yelled as she entered her lab. "Ziva!" Abby yelled and turned down the music. "What do you got for me?" Ziva asked. "There are two kinds of dna's on the knife you found. One belong to our dead Petty Officer, the other one, doesn't exist in the system." Abby said. "That-" Ziva started, but got cut off her. "I'm not done." She said and typed on the keyboard. "When I analysed his clothes, I found a foreign staw of hair. It belongs to Camille Wahl." Abby said with a smile. "Great job Abs. Anything else you found?" Ziva asked. "No, but I got something for you." She said and turned around. She handed Ziva a box, a black box on 2,5 inches, with her name standing on it. "Open it." Abby exclaimed with a big smile. Ziva looked at her then opened it. White smoke came out and after a couple of seconds a ghost jumped out, holding a pumpkin in it hand. From the pumpkin light shined and the ghost said take a look in the pumpkin. In the pumpkin a small paper laid, rolled together with a band around. Ziva opened the note that looked it was covered in blood, and read it. You are invited to Abby's halloween party 31 october, at 8pm. You have to be in a costume! Ziva smiled and looked at her. "You are coming right?" Abby said. "I guess." She replied. "Good! Give these to Tony and Tim." She said and handed her two boxes. "See ya Abs." Ziva said and headed to the elevator. She stepped out from the elevator and walked into the squad room. "What did Abby got?" Tony asked. "This," Ziva said and handed him the box with the name Tony. "What is this?" He asked. "I don't know." She said and handed McGee his. "You open first, probie." Tony said. "Why me?" He said. "Don't be such a chicken, just open it." Ziva said. Tony looked at the box weirdly. Then he opened. "Ahh!" He said as the ghost jumped out. Ziva laughed. "Now what?" He said. "Wait for the ghost to tell you." She said. "How do you know?" He said. "I opened mine in Abby's lab." She said with a smile. "Ohh a halloween party!" He said excited. "Now you can be the real you, Elf Lord." Tony said with a smile. McGee shot him an annoying look.

Present time
Ziva has been looking for a costume all day. She would be a vampire, so she had buyed eye lens and fangs. She had brought a purple with black lace corset and a black short fluffy skirt. To that she would have stay-ups and high heels. She got out from the shower and dried her body and hair. She slipped her outfit on and made her hair in big curls, and put it up in some nice way. Then she did her makeup and put in the eye lens and the fangs. She put on her shoes then grabbed her coat, and made her way to Abby's. She knocked on her door and seconds later, she opened. She was fifty zombie and fifty human. "Wow Abs, you look amazing." She said and looked around in her apartment. Abby had decorated her apartment awesome. She took her coat off and hung it up. Abby got her a welcome drink. "Have Tony come yet?" She asked. "Yeah, he is somewhere here. Or James Bond is." Abby said. "What a suprise," Ziva said and chuckled. Abby walked away to the door again to let someone else in. "Hello sexy," Ziva heard a voice said behind her and then felt two arms go around her. "Mr Bond." She said, smiling, as he turned her around. She sneaked her left arm around his neck as she gulped up the last of her drink. She sat it on the table. "Care for a dance?" Tony asked. Ziva nodded and swung around, and led him into the crowd.

"Look at Tony and Ziva." McGee said, a little shocked. McGee were dressed as Dracula. "Aren't they cute?" Abby said smiling. McGee coughed. "What?" He said. "No, not Tony and Ziva." He filled in, looking at them. "Look at them, Tim. Have you notice where Tony's hands are placed, nor how they at work flirt. They are so into each other." Abby said. "I think they are cute together, they have a great chemistry." She said and McGee stared at them. "Do you think they would cross that line?" He asked. "Gibbs rules? I love Gibbs, he is like a father to me. But, his rules, are stupid, or some of them. You can't choose who you will fall in love with. And when that day comes, I, do, think he will see that." She said. McGee only nodded.

"Ever kissed a vampire, Mr Bond?" Ziva husked in his ear as they danced. Tony smiled. He knew neither of them was sober, but neither drunk. "Never," he replied. "Want to try?" She said, and looked him in the eyes. She leaned closer to him and waited for some second for him to respond. He didn't, he only looked at her. So she kissed him. You could call it, making out. It was like the time stopped, they didn't pull back until the song ended and realized they needed to catch their breaths. "You have, uhm my lipstick there..." She said with a small giggle. He wiped it away, then leaned back in and kissed her. The kiss only lasted a few seconds this time. Ziva bit her bottom lip as she smiled. They continued to dance until the song ended. Then Ziva walked away to get something to drink, and he followed. "Great costume." A guy said, who took a glas of the welcome drink. "Want one?" He asked. "No thank you." Ziva said and Tony sneaked an arm around her waist. The guy walked away, a little embarrassed. "No one, except me, flirts with my vampire." Tony said against her ear. She smiled. "Who said I am yours, Mr Bond?" She said flirty, looking at him. "I said," he said and spun her around to him. Her hands pressed up against his chest as he captured her lips. She smiled and kissed him back. She pulled away before things would heat up between them. "A drink?" He asked and handed her one.

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