Team vacation

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The team was on a week vacation together. They were in Side, Turkey. Everyone had one room by them own, but next to each other.

Ziva walked along the poolside, fully dressed. She had some jeans shorts, a light purple tank top and flip flops. Tony sneaked up behind her and pushed her in the pool. "Tony!!" She yelled. "I'm gonna kill you!" She said as she climbed up. "You have to catch me first" he said and ran away. Ziva ran after and tackled him down. She climbed up on his stomach and sat down. It dropped water from her wet hair and clothes down on Tony. She looked down angry at him. "I'm gonna..." "Just get it out. Do it." He said, and smirked. She smiled. She leaned down and kissed him. She pulled back as he pulled her back down, and kissed her again. She giggled and bit his bottom lip. "What are you two doing??" Gibbs asked. Ziva pulled back and looked at him. "I'm just messing with him." She said as she stood up. "He pushed me down in the pool..." Tony stood up aswell, almost as wet as Ziva were. Gibbs head-slapped him and walked away. Ziva giggled and walked away to her room. Tony walked after her, up to his room to change clothes. Ziva changed into a short red summer dress. She dried her hair again then walked down to the rest of the team. "Ziva, that is a cute dress." Abby said and pulled out the chair next to hers. "Thanks Abs." She sat down and they waited for Tony to come. He came down minutes later. Then they ordered dinner and ate.

Everyone still sat around the table talked. Then Ducky stood up. "I'll go back to my room. Night, night." "Good night Ducky" Ziva and Abby said. Gibbs followed Ducky up then minutes later Palmer walked up to his room too. Ziva, Abby, Tony and McGee sat for another hour and talked. Then Ziva decided to leave. Tony followed after her. Outside her door, he wrapped his arms around her. "You scared me. What are you doing?" "Messing with you." He said and kissed her bare shoulders. Ziva smiled and turned around. She looked him in the eyes as he looked back at her. "I'm still mad at you, just so you know." "Well, I don't mind if you keep messing with me." He smirked. She smiled and snaked her arms around his neck. She bit her bottom lip and stared him in the eyes. Then both of them leaned closer to each other and their lips met in a soft kiss. He gently pushed her against her door.

Abby and McGee walked up to their room, when they saw Ziva and Tony making out against her door. Abby smiled huge and so did McGee. They hide behind the stairs and sneaked their heads out. Abby pulled out her phone and took a photo. She looked at it and then them. "They are so cute together" she said and looked at McGee with a smile.

I just got the idea to write that Tony pushed Ziva in fully dressed, because my mum always do that at least once with me every time we are on vacation 😒

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