After Berlin

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Ziva's POV
I stood up and walked around my desk. I saw Tony shot a glare at me but I ignored him. I walked out of the squad room and walked to the stairs, there I walked to the gym. I walked to my area of it. I stood infront of a punching bag and took a deep breath. I was tired of feeling vulnerable. I took a swing with my good arm. Then one, two and three punches. I took a punch with my other arm, my hurted one. I groaned as it hit the bag. I ignored the pain and took two punches at it. I changed and took a punch with my good arm, again, and then with my other. I heard footsteps coming, and took one punch more then turned around. I sighed. Tony, of course. "Why do you always have to be so stubborn?" He asked. "I'm not stubborn." I answered and turned back around to the punching bag. I took another swing at it then Tony walked up between me and it. "Then tell me why you are hurting yourself. Why you don't follow the doctors order." He said. "I need to stay in shape. I need to have my training, plus it helps me focus." I said, starting to get annoyed. "We both know that taking one week off from activites, as the doctor said, won't put you in bad shape. You are in perfect shape and you know that." He said. "It's my body and it's up to me to decide, whenever I'm in good or bad shape!" I said. "And why do you even care? I don't tell you what you should do or not do." I filled in. "Because I care and I hate seing you hurt or hurting yourself. You are my partner, it's my job to look after you." He said softly. "Well stop! I'm fine and I don't need someone to babysit me. I can take care of myself! Now move!" I said upset. He stood still and looked at me. "I'm not going anywhere." He said, stubborn as he is. "Move or-" I started but he cut me off. "Or what? You gonna punch me down?" He asked. I was frustrated. I could easily punch him down on one or two seconds but I knew it wouldn't help. I turned around and waited for him to walk away. After a minute, he finally walked away. I felt myself getting emotional and a tear ran down on my cheek. I wiped it away with my hand and walked towards the wall. I slide down against it until my butt hit the floor. I put my head in my hands.

Tony's POV
I stood around the corner. I heard quiet sobs. I peeked my head out and saw her sitting against the wall, crying. I knew she was in a vulnerable place right now after everything that had happened. I walked around the corner and over to her. She looked up and wiped away her tears. "What do you want?" She asked. I sat down beside her and looked at her. "I want whatever you want, whatever you need." I said and took a small pause. "A friend to talk to, shoulder to cry on." I said and put my arm around her. Her head fell onto my shoulder. She didn't say anything though. "Ziva.. I'm sorry." I said softly. "I appreciate that. But sympathy is that last thing I want right now." She said. "Alright then..." I said. I rubbed her arm, waiting for her sobs to end. I kissed her forehead and let my head rest against her. She sat up and gave me a quick look. Then she turned around to me. And before I knew it, she cupped my face and kissed me. I was suprised, but liked it. I snaked my arms around her neck and kissed her back. I felt her climbing over me, sitting down in my lap with one leg on each side of me. She kissed me more passionate and rough, as my hands travled down to her waist, trying to pull her closer to me. Her tounge begged for entrance. I opened my mouth and let her tounge in. She moaned as our tounges made contact, slowly caressed each other. I smiled into her mouth. We pulled back, breathing heavily. She smiled and I smiled back. I didn't know what this meant. But I hoped it would turn out to something good, not only a make out because she is in a vulnerable place and confused right now. I liked her or if I should say, I loved her. Ziva is my everything.

Ziva's POV
My head was spinning around. I just made out with Tony... Oh god. I thought. I looked at him and saw him smiling at me. That smile, it got me relaxed and sended shivers through my body. His hands were still around my waist. It must be a good sign, but it's Tony. He takes every opportunity to make out or sleep with a woman. I tolf myself. "Ziva," he said softly. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "Yeah?" I responded with a slight smile. "What do this- uhm you know, never mind." He said. I looked concern at him, I knew he had something important to say. "No, tell me." I said and put my hand against his chest. He looked down at it then back on me. "Where do this bring us? What did this mean?" He asked. I didn't know what to say but I knew if I thought too long about it he would think I don't want him. "It's all up to what you want." I finally said, softly. "I want you." He said. A smile turned onto my lips. "I want you too, more than anything." I said, biting my lip. He pulled me closer to him by my waist and kissed me. I pulled away and said, "I love you Tony. And I'm sorry for being a real pain in the ass, sometimes. But it's how I am, how Mossad have trained me to be. And it's not easy to get pass it and throw it all away. I'm use to take care and handle myself, use to not having anyone to look after my back. And I'm afraid if I let you in, you will end up dead like everyone else I care about." I took a deep breath after finishing it. I caressed my cheek and gave me a peek on my lips. "I love you too Ziva. That's why I care so much about you. Though I know you can handle yourself. You are my ninja." He said with a small laugh. "But I need you to know I'm here and will always be. I will always have your back, and I won't end up dead. I have you who look after me." He said with a wink. I smiled and he continued. "I love you, just the way you are. I don't want to change a part of you. Though you are being real stubborn sometimes." He said to last with a smile. I laughed a little to the last sentence he said. "I'm sorry." I said softly. He smiled and kissed me nose. I whined and he cupped my face and captured my lips between his.

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