A new start

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Requested by @hollywood8910, I hope you like it and that it's close to what you wanted ☺️

Ziva's POV
I stood outside our house and looked at it. Today had been an exhausted day in school, and it would be even worse when I got inside. I sighed, and started walking towards my home. "I'm home," I yelled and closed the door. "Where you been?" Her father asked, walking out to her. "In school." I replied. "Where's your jacket?" He asked. "I told you to have it on all day!" He continued. "I took it off-" I started. "When I give you a order, you are following it!" He yelled. "Ari, take your sister to her room." He said.

My brother once again came into my room. I knew what he wanted. "Come on, father want you in the basement." Ari said and pulled me up from the bed. "I can walk by myself." I said, angry, and snatched away from him. He followed me down to the basement then walked back up. I sighed and sat down on the chair, waiting on my father. I looked at myself, and almost started to cry. "We don't cry!" I heard my father said. I wiped away the single tear, running down on my cheek. I looked up at my father and said "sorry".

One and a half hour later, my father left the basement. I stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes more. Then I stood up and walked upstairs to my room. I saw my brother smiling at me as I walked past him. I closed my door and sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror and began to cry. My arms were all covered up with bruises and scratches. Tomorrow, I had to were something long to cover it up. I laid down on the bed and cried even more.

The following day, I woke up by Ari slapping my face. "Wake up little sister." He said and laughed. "Get out!" I yelled at him and pushed him off me. I sat up and left my bed. I slipped on a pair of shorts, a tank top and a hoodie. I knew people would stare at me, wearing a hoodie on a warm summer day, but I had no choice. I took my convers and my bag, then headed out through the door without eating breakfast. I didn't care, all I wanted was to get out from the house. On my way to school, I met Tony. He was one of the few friends I have. "Good morning," I said with a smile. "Morning Zee-vah." He replied. "Why are you wearing a hoodie?" He asked. I sighed and rubbed back of my head. "I'm not feeling so well today." I lied. "So you want to cancel our study hour?" He asked. "Oh, I totally forget about it. I'm sorry." I said. "We can take it tomorrow." He said. "No, let's take it today. It's fine." I said with a slight smile.

Tony's POV
Me and Ziva walked separated ways. I stopped and followed her with my eyes. I knew something were not right with her today. I heard the school bell ring and I rushed into my classroom. "Everyone, take your seat." Miss Melbourn said. I took a seat and sighed, today would be a long day.

I stood leaned against Ziva's locker, waiting for her to come. "Hi," I said, smiling. I stepped beside so she could open her locker. "Ready to go?" I asked. "Where?" She asked. "My place? The library is so boring." I said, joking. "Uhm yeah, sure." She replied. We began to walk home to me. My father, or not my real father, was at work. My parents died in an accident some years ago. Since then, I have stayed at Gibbs who been a close friend to our. He is like a father to me, though. I unlocked the door and let Ziva in first. "Gibbs at work?" She asked. "Yes. I think he would come home in some hour. They don't have a case today." I said. We sat down on the couch and picked up our books. "You still not feeling well? Are you freezing?" I asked and looked at her. "Uhm, yeah." She said. "You want something?" I said. "Take the blanket over there, I know. It's fuzzy and warm." I continued. "No, it's fine." She said. "Ok, what's wrong?" I asked, knowing she wasn't telling me everything. "Nothing. I'm fine." She said, avoiding eye-contact. "I know you are lying, Zi." I said. "Can we please focus on this?" She said and looked at me. I looked back, annoyed, and said "fine".

Ziva rolled up her arms. At first I didn't notice, but then I saw bruises on her arms. I closed my book and she looked at me. "What's this?" I asked, grabbing her arm. "Nothing," she said, snatching her arm away from me. "That, is not nothing!" I said. "Your arms are covered in bruises." I continued. "Forget you saw anything, ok?" She said. "Not a chance. You can tell me, Zi." I said. She looked at me. "It's my father..." She said low. "What?!" I said. "You can't tell anyone about this. Please Tony." She said. "You are not going home. You are staying here until Gibbs comes." I said. She grabbed my arm. "No, don't tell Gibbs. I'm fine." She said. "Ziva, this is child abuse!" I said, grabbing my phone and dialed Gibbs's number. "Gibbs," he said. "Dad, I need you at home, now." I said. "On my way." He just responded and hung up. It only took five minutes, until Gibbs were home. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Ziva show him." I said and looked at her. She looked annoyed back at me, and pulled her hoodie off. Gibbs gasped and so did I. "This is... not all.." She whispered. "Who did this Ziva?" Gibbs asked. "My father..." She said, in a low tone. "How long has he been doing this?" He asked. "Since the day my mother died, 6 years." I heard her voice crack in the last sentence. I looked at her. I walked up to her and embraced her a hug. She lost it and began to cry. I looked at Gibbs. "Ziva, we need to take photos of you, and you need to write a report. You are following with me to ncis." He said. "What happens to me when you put my father behind bars?" She asked. "Don't worry about that. I will take care of that." He said. We drove to ncis, where she got to write a report and they took photos of her. Later that day, Gibbs brought Eli in.

Ziva's POV
I sat in the break room with Tony. He tried to comfort me. We talked about his parents and my mother and Tali. Since they died, it all been different. His hand reached mine and our fingers intertwined. I smiled at him. "What will happen to me? And Ari?" I asked. "I don't know, I only know Gibbs will take care of it." He said, calmly. We heard footsteps coming and turned around. "Dad... Gibbs..." We said. "I been on the phone all day. There's nothing I can do for your brother because he knew about this and been a part of it. You, on the other hand, you will come to a family or a group home. They agreed to that you can stay with me and I be your adopted parent." He said. Both me and Tony smiled. "Really," I said, happy. "Yes really. All we need to do is to fill out some papers." He said. "Thank you," I said and hugged him.

Half a year later, me and Tony started our senior year. We been together since four months back. At first people stared at us, since we are "technical" brother and sister, but nowdays noone cared. I couldn't be more happier than I was now. I had put the past behind me and moved forward. Of course, my mother and Tali was with me everyday. But my father and Ari didn't bother me anymore. It felt like I finally had a family again. Gibbs felt like a father to me and he had finally admitted his feelings for Director Shepard. Me and Tony had been betting on how long time it would take for them to be together. Gibbs almost killed us when he found out. After we graduated, we are gonna move out and buy a place of our own, and start a family there. I couldn't help thinking, what would happened to me if we never moved to the states and I never met Tony. Where should I been then? I'm very grateful for having Tony, and Gibbs and Jenny in my life, and I tell them that everyday.

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