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Okay, I'll keep writing these stories. Thank y'all who commented 😘

Ziva sat in the squad room, alone. Everyone had went home or Tony was in the gym working out. Ziva finished her paperwork and grabbed her bag. She headed down to the gym and hoped Tony had left by now. She walked into the dresser room and slipped her clothes off, and slipped jogging pants and a sport bra on. Then walked to the gym. She sighed as she saw Tony still was there. He looked up and smiled at her. She just ignored him, but she couldn't keep her eyes off him. He was shirtless. She walked over to the punching bag and took some hits. Tony walked over to her and sneaked up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she jumped. She then felt lips against her neck, touching her neck gently. Ziva smiled and blushed. "You... Are.. So.. Beautiful and... Sexy..." He said between kisses against her neck. His hands moved farther up to the line of her sport bra and she turned around to face him. She snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him. He was suprised by her but kissed her back. She opened her mouth and his tounge moved over to hers. She moaned as he sucked on hers. His hands moved down and stopped at her butt. He grabbed her butt and tried to pull her closer to him. He slowly walked her backwards until she touched the wall. Ziva pulled apart. "We can't do this." She said seriously and looked at him. Tony looked at her and rubbed back of his head. "Why not?" "Because we work together! Gibbs rules? Number 12. He would kill us!" She said and walked away. Tony turned around. "Ziva," he said but she ignored him and walked into the dresser room. He sighed and beat his hand into a punching bag.

Ziva got home and took a shower. She had only Tony in her mind. She knew she was harsh on him but it couldn't happen. She let the water run down on her body for 10 minutes before she turned it off. She stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself. She dried her body and slipped on panties, shorts and a t-shirt. Then dried her hair. She walked straight to bed and crawled under the covers. Then turned off the light to sleep. She woke up at 2am, grabbed her gun and sat up. Someone was knocking on her door. She walked to the door with her gun in her hands. She opened it and was ready to pull the trigger. He walked straight in and turned around to her. "What the hell Tony? I could have shoot your head off. It's middle of the night! What-" she said as he cut her off with pulling her into his arms and kissed her. He pulled away and looked at her. "I love you Ziva. I don't care about Gibbs rules. I want you. I need you. You are my strenght, Ziva. Please, I know you feel the same way." He said. She sighed, in a way she would regret it. She cupped his face and kissed him. She pulled apart and whispered, "I love you too". He smiled and pulled her back in. They pulled back and looked at each other. "Can we go back to sleep?" She asked and closed the door who had stood open since he walked in. Tony nodded and picked her up. She giggled. He put her down in bed and she crawled under the covers. He slipped his clothes off and then crawled under too. He pulled her closer and kissed her.

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