Am I so easy to forget?

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The clock was around 11pm. Tony had his arm around her waist. He opened his door and let her in. Then he closed the door and pulled her closer. He kissed her as they started to undress eachother. They walked to his bedroom as they slipped their last clothes off. Then he saw Ziva. She pushed him down in the bed. She crawled on top of him as he saw her face again, Ziva's face. He snapped back to real life as she kissed him. He kissed her back. As they kissed he saw Ziva again. He kissing her when they were undercover. God he missed her. He snapped back and rolled over on top and they did unspeakable things all night.

Israel, Tel Aviv
Ziva sat on her bed. She looked at the photo in her hands. I miss him so much, she thought. She laid the photo on her bed and decided to pack a bag and go to DC. She needed to see him again. It had been 5 months since she left and she missed him so much.

7 hours later
Ziva knocked on Tony's front door nervously. The door opened and Ziva saw a blond girl with long hair and a nice tan. "Hello" she said. Ziva stood shocked first then she ran away crying. He has already forget me, she thought. The blond girl closed the door again. "Who was that?" Tony asked. "I don't know." "How did she look like?" "Brown long curly hair, brown eyes and a nice tan. Israeli, maybe." Ziva she is back. Oh my god what have I done. I need to find her. "Tony?" She asked. He snapped back to real life. "Emma, you need to leave." He said as he slipped his clothes on. "What?" "You need to leave. I need to find that women." Tony said as he opened the door. "Your jerk!" He heard her scream. He ran downstairs and looked around. No sight of Ziva. Damn it DiNozzo! He thought. He called Gibbs, Abby and McGee but Ziva wasn't at them. He walked over the street to the park. He walked across the park and saw a women sitting on the ground against a tree. He walked towards her so he could see her face. "Ziva?" He said softly. She looked up at him. She looked terrible, her makeup was a mess because she was crying. "Go away Tony!" Tony sat down next to her. Ziva looked at the other way. "Zi please, look at me." "Why? Why don't you go back to your girlfriend?!" "She isn't my girlfriend. She is night stand. Since you left me I've seen you everywhere. I saw you yesterday in her. You don't know how much I misses you. I have had one night stands because I tried to forget you. But it's impossible. I dream about you, I see you sitting on your desk, see you in other girls. I misses you so damn much." Ziva finally looked at him. "Really?" She sobbed. "Yes sweet cheeks." He wiped away her tears then pulled her to his chest. She laid her head on his shoulder. "I love you Ziva." He said after a while of silence. Ziva looked at him and smiled. "I, I.. love you too" she said. He kissed her forehead. "Lets go home sweet cheeks." He helped her up and took her bag in his hand. His other hand was intertwined with hers. They walked back to his apartment. His apartment was a mess. Emma had broke some things. "I think your night stand got angry" Ziva giggled. "Probably but it was worth it. I'll not loose you again." Ziva changed clothes to a tank top and some shorts. Then she put on music and helped Tony to clean up. When they were done Tony walked towards her. He pulled her into his arms. He put some of her hair behind her ear as she smiled. "Your so beautiful Ziva." She snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was a passionately kiss, a kiss they never wanted to end. They pulled back and smiled. Then Tony took her hand and put his other hand on her lower back. She rested her head on his chest as they danced.

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