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It was an early Friday morning. They had just finished a case, so today would it be paperwork. Ziva was getting dressed for a run as someone knocked on her door. She went for open and there Tony stood ready for a run. "Good morning Ziva," he said with a smile. "Morning Tony. I'll just put my hair in a ponytail. I'll be back any sec." She said and walked away. Tony stood leaned against the door when she got back. "Ready?" He asked. She nodded and grabbed her phone and keys. They left her apartment and ran to ncis. They haf just started to run together and Tony had still hard to catch up with Ziva, though she took it easy on him. They slowed down and stopped infront of a traffic light. Tony gasped for air and Ziva smiled. "You are really out of shape." She said and laughed a little. Tony slapped her arm and said "I'm not". She rolled her eyes but didn't say anymore. The light turned green and they continue to run. As they could see the ncis building, Ziva trampled wrong. She landed on the side on her foot. "Agh" she said and sat down. Tony turned around and looked at her, worried. "What happened?" He asked and bent down. "I think I trampled wrong." She said and looked at him. "Let me look at it." He said and slowly pulled off her shoe. She groaned in pain. Her foot was already light swollen. He gently touched it and she said upset, "don't touch it." "Sorry. Do you think you can walk on it?" He asked as she gently pulled her shoe back on. "Can you help me up?" She asked and he pulled her up. She took a step and groaned in pain. Tony looked at her worried. "Your okay?" He asked and wrapped his arm around her to help her stand. "U-uhmm." She said quietly. Tony sighed. He put his other arm at the back of her knees and picked her up. "W-what are you doing Tony?" She asked. "Helping you. You can't walk on your foot. And trying to convince you to the hospital is impossible." He said and looked at her. She pouted at him and he chuckled. "Be nice or I take you out and drive you to the hospital." He said and kissed her forehead. He got her down to autopsy, which was completely dark. Ducky came walking in five minutes later. "Anthony, Ziva. What brings you two down here this early morning?" Ducky said and hung his jacket on the chair. "She trampled wrong. Can you take a look at her foot or ankle?" Tony said and Ducky walked up to them. "First of all, you are making it worse by having it on the floor. Put her on the table." Ducky said. Ziva stood up and gasped as she put her weight on her foot. She jumped over to the table on one foot and Tony rolled his eyes. Tony stood in the corner and looked at her while Ducky looked at her foot. He looked at the X-ray and said, "there's no break." Ziva sighed in relief. "But it's sprained." He said. "Ok thank you Ducky." Ziva said and sat up to leave. "Not so fast my young lady." Ducky said and she sighed. Tony smiled. "You twisted your ankle. You will have to walk on crutches for at least 5 days. Have your foot high and I'll put bandage around it. No shoe on that foot." Ducky said and walked away to get bandage. "Anthony, I've crutches in there. Can you get them for me." Tony nodded and came back with crutches. Ziva was less happy. Ducky handed the crutches to her and she sighed. "Thank you Ducky." Tony said and walked next to Ziva. They got into the elevator. Seconds later it dinged and the doors opened. She jumped out on her crutches. "You two are late." Gibbs said as he looked up. They got into the squad room. "What happened Ziver?" Gibbs asked. "Nothing. I'm fine." She said and slowly sat down. "She twisted her ankle, it's sprained." Tony said, looking at Gibbs. Gibbs sighed. "You two go home." He said. "What? Why!" Ziva complained. "I'm fine Gibbs." She filled in. "Your not. Tony will stay with you until your foot is fine again. Until then, no field work." Gibbs said and threw his keys to Tony. "Thank you boss." He said and Ziva sighed. They left ncis in Gibbs car. They drove to his place and he packed a bag with clothes while she waited in the car. Then he drove to a store and buyed some food to them. Tony got back in the car and he drove to Ziva's apartment. He walked around the car and opened the door for her. "What you doing?" She asked. "Don't even think twice that I'll let you jump on crutches to third floor." He said and picked her up. As they got inside her apartment, he put her down on the couch then walked down again to get the rest. When he came back up, she was gone. Her crutches laid against the couch. He sighed and put down the bags, then closed the door. "Ziva?" He said and walked into her bedroom. Then he heard the water turn on in the bathroom. He walked out in the hall and grabbed the bag and packed the food up. He put on some coffee then he heard the water turn off. He walked out and grabbed her crutches. She opened the door and Tony stood outside. "Tony." She said. "Ziva." "What?" She said and reached the crutches to her. "How did you think I'd jump on those in just a towel?" She said. "Either you take them or I'll carrie you." Tony said and she sighed. She grabbed the crutches and slowly jumped into the bedroom. She put her crutches against the bed and limped to her closest. She got some underwear, a t-shirt and black shorts. She slipped it on then dried her hair with the towel. She grabbed the crutches again and jumped out. Tony sat on the couch and looked at her. She sat down next to him and he looked at her. "What Tony?" She asked. "First your bandage will back and then Ducky said rest your foot high and use crutches." He said. "Put your foot in my lap." She sighed and said, "you are stubborn." She put her foot in his lap and he put the bandage back around it. She looked at him and a smile slight formed. He looked back at her. He leaned closer to her and her heart skipped faster. He put a straw of her wet hair behind her ear and smiled. "Stubborn but I care about you and want the best." He said softly. She smiled. He grabbed her cup coffee and handed it to her. "Figured you would want some too." He said with a smile. "Thanks." She said.

The evening
Tony stood in the kitchen, cooking his DiNozzo special, pasta and sauce. He put plates and stuff on the table. The food got ready and he walked to the bedroom. He stopped at the doorway and leaned up against it. "Ziva," he said. She looked up from her book. "Dinner is done." He said with a smile and left. She closed the book and put it on the nightstand table. Then she grabbed her crutches and jumped out to the kitchen. "It smells great. What is it?" She asked and sat down. "DiNozzo special." He said. They ate then Tony took the dish away. "You know I can take care of this when you have cooked." She said and stood up. She limped over to him with some dish. He took over the dish from her and said, "use your crutches". She rolled her eyes and ignored him. Tony turned around to her and picked her up. "Tony put me down." She said, smiling. He put her down on the counter and finished the dish. Then he grabbed her crutches and handed them to her. She gently jumped down from the counter and followed Tony on her crutches. "You want to watch a movie?" He asked and sat down on the couch. "Um yeah sure." Ziva said and put her crutches to the side. "Any suggestion?" "What about the Host?" She said and Tony nodded. "I have it on dvd, lying in the box under the tv." Tony stood up and put it in then started the movie. In the beginning they sat in each side of the couch then Ziva crawled closer and laid down in his lap. When the movie ended, Tony turned it off. He looked down at Ziva who smiled at him, then picked her up. He carried her to the bed and put her down. "I.. will sleep on the couch. Well go-" he said. "Can you sleep in here?" She said and looked at him with puppy eyes. "Sure." He said and walked to the other side. He slipped his clothes off, down to his boxers then crawled under the sheets. He looked at Ziva then turned around. "Good night." He said and turned his lamp off. Ziva rolled over to his side and hugged his waist. Nuzzled her head into his back and kissed his back. "Good night" she said.

Next day
She woke up in an empty bed. She sat up and rubbed her eyes as she yawned. "Tony?" She mumbled tired. She looked around in the room and found a waiter standing on the nightstand table. She crawled over to it and saw a note. She grabbed it and read it. 'Morning beautiful. Gibbs wanted to talk to me but I'll be back before you know it. I made some breakfast for you. Stay in bed and relax, eat your breakfast and please don't do anything stupid. // Tony' She smiled and put the note down on the waiter. He had made coffee, in a take-to-go-cup, sandwiches with egg and cereals. Easy breakfast but she still thought it was cute of him to do. She started to eat then heard a door opened. She heard footsteps coming closer and a head peeked in behind the door. Ziva smiled. "You are awake." He said and opened the door more and stepped in. "Good morning." She said with a smile. He sat down next to her on the bed. She pulled herself up and cupped his face. She kissed him with all passion she had, then pulled away. Her cheeks got light red and she looked away from him. Tony grabbed her hand and stroked her thumb over it. She looked up at him and he leaned closer to kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back. The pulled apart and he caressed her cheek. "I love you, Tony." She said and looked deep into his eyes. "I love you too." He said and kissed her temple. "Thank you for the breakfast. It was really sweet of you." She said and leaned back onto a soft pillow. He smiled. "Your welcome. How's your foot?" He asked and gently crawled over to her other side and laid down beside her. "I'm fine." "You are lying." He said. She rolled her eyes. "It hurts a little. Okay?" She said. He kissed her again then she rested her head on his chest with his arms wrapped around her.

Hello guys! 😊 Now it comes a boring authors note. 😉 I'm just wondering if you guys want me to keep these stories going or I should quit? I lost reads and I feel like people don't comment anymore and give me feedback. I just want to know if there are people who read them and want me to continue. So if you want me to, please comment something or vote so I know I have people who care and likes them. And I'm writing a new long tiva fanfic that I hope you will like. Hopefully I'll start posting it in May. I know it's long to May but it can go a week/s before I write on it because school & internship keeps me busy. But please let me know if you want me to continue these short stories! I also take requests because I'm getting close to 100 stories so it's hard to come up with ideas. Love ya guys 😘

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