Little ballerina

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"See you soon" she said and kissed him. "C'mon mommy" the little girl whined. "I'm coming sweetie." They walked backstage, into the dressing rooms. "Change clothes first." "Ok mommy." Kyla took of off her clothes and slipped her pink clothes and shoes on. Then Ziva put her hair back. "You are beautiful" she said, looking into the mirror of her and her daughter. "I love you mommy." Kyla said. "I love you too." Ziva said, kissing her forehead. "I will go now. Good luck sweetie." Ziva walked out and found her seat next to Tony. "Hey" she said and sat down. She pulled him in to a kiss. "Hi" he mumbled against her lips and kissed her back. "Hi there, love birds." Gibbs chuckled. They pulled back. "Hi Gibbs." Ziva said. "Kyla ready for her first ballett recital?" He asked as he sat down on a seat. "Yes, she is very excited." Ziva said. Then Abby and McGee came. "Hi guys." Abby said, happy as usual. "Hey Abs, Tim." Tony said. They sat down next to Ziva. "Where is Duckman?" Tony asked. "Right her Anthony." Ducky said and sat down next to Gibbs. "Car traffic..." He said. "I'm glad you could come. That you all came. Kyla will be really happy." Ziva said, smiling. It got dark and everyone got quiet. Tony took up the camera to record everything. Kyla and two other girls came out on the stage and said welcome to everyone and then everyone walked out on the stage and started to dance.
30 minutes later the show ended. Ziva walked backstage to help Kyla and the others waited outside. "Mommy" Kyla said happy. "You did really good sweetie" Ziva said and swung her around. Kyla laughed. She kissed her forehead then let her down. Kyla changed clothes and Ziva took the bag. Then they walked out, hand in hand. Kyla saw the team and got really happy. "Abby, Timmy, Gibbs and Ducky!" She yelled and ran up to them. "You was really good" Abby said. "A beautiful ballerina" Ducky said smiling. Ziva smiled and kissed Tony. "Shall we go home?" Ziva asked. "The cake is waiting on you." Tony said. "Yay." Kyla said. Everyone drove home to Ziva and Tony in their own cars. Then they ate the cake and talked. After an hour the team went home and Tony and Ziva took away the dish. Kyla was in the living room dancing ballett. Ziva walked out to her with Tony and smiled. "My little ballerina" Ziva said and picked her up. She sat down om the couch with her, next to Tony. "You want to see you dancing?" Tony asked. "Yes, yes." Tony went to get the camera then they watched it together.

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