The kiss

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She closed the door and slid down against it. She put her face in her hands and cried harder. Some minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Go away Tony!" "Zi please, let me in." "I don't have anything to say to you! We are done!" "Listen to me. She kissed me. I love you Ziva and I'd never cheat on you." "Too late, we are done." Tony slid down against the other side of the door and sat quiet. 'She has to open the door sometime' he thought. 30 minutes later she wiped away her tears and stood up. She opened the door to leave to Gibbs. She opened it and saw Tony lying infront of it. "Tony!!" He jumped up and looked at her. "Ziva.." He grabbed her arm. "Let me go DiNozzo." "I love you Ziva. I didn't kiss her, you have to trust me. Jeanne kissed me." "Why was she at yours?" "I don't know. She just shoed up at my apartment." "And kissed you? Sure..." "It's the truth, Ziva. I'd never cheat on you. What would I earn to cheat on you? I'd loose the most beautiful women in the world." He pulled her into his arms and put his hand on her cheek. He patted it slowly. "I love you, only you." She smiled and pressed her lips on his. He kissed her back. She pulled back and ran her fingers through his hair.

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