Christmas Magic

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Wishing y'all a Merry Christmas!!

"Go home, celebrate Christmas. Marry Christmas to you!" Gibbs said. McGee sighed tired. "What's the matter Tim? Aren't this like the biggest thing during the year?" Ziva asked. "It is," Tony said. "My father is here. He's celebrating Christmas with me and Delilah, and her parents." He said and sighed again. "That isn't that bad." Ziva said. "You haven't met my father.." He said grumpy and put his bag over his shoulder. "Well, Marry Christmas Tim." She said with a smile. "Have fun," Tony said with a huge smile. Ziva glared at him, annoying. "What?" He said. Ziva just shook her head. "Do you have any plans?" She asked. "My dad is coming, I suppose, otherwise no." He said. "Say hello to him from me." She said and headed to the elevator. "Marry Christmas Gibbs." She yelled. Tony hurried to catch up with her before the elevator doors closed. "Do you have any plans?" He said, breathing. "I don't celebrate Christmas Tony." She said with a weak smile. "Some day must be the first." He said. "Why don't you come home with me and you can celebrate it with us." He said. "It's sweet of you, Tony. But I will pass." She said as the doors opened. "Marry Christmas." She said and headed towards her car.

She unlocked her door and walked in, then shut it behind her. She dropped her bag and hung up her jacket. She walked into the bedroom and grabbed her book on the nighttable. Then she opened a bottle of red wine and poured up a glass. She then made her way to the bathroom. She started to fill the bathtub as she light the candles. She undressed herself and sat down in bathtub. She grabbed her book and started to read. After a while, she got up and dried her body off. She slipped on underwears, a tank top and jogging pants. Then she made her way out to the kitchen. She refilled her glass with more wine and walked out to the couch. She turned on the tv and found a Christmas movie starting any minute. A while into the movie, someone knocked on her door. She looked at her phone, 20:46. She went to opened and found Tony standing on the other side of her door. "What you doing here?" She said softly. "Some day must be your first Christmas. Can I come in?" He said with a smile. She nodded and let him walk in. "Are you watching a Christmas movie?" He joked. "Just because I don't celebrate Christmas, am I not allowed to watch Christmas movies?" She said. "Did you eat?" He said. I shook my head. "Good, I brought pizza." He said smiling. "What about your father?" She asked. "He didn't show up. You never know with my dad." He said. "You want wine?" She said. "Sure," he replied. She poured up a glass to him and put it on the table. "Home made pizza?" She said. He nodded with a smile. They ate infront of the tv and watched the movie. "So this is how you celebrate Christmas?" She asked. "No, not really." He said with a small laugh. "You eat Christmas food then watch Donald Duck on tv. Then later on the evening, you opened the Christmas presents under the tree. Then you watch a movie." He said. "Which reminds me, I almost forgot your Christmas present." He said and stood up. He came back with a small present in his hands. "I don't have anything to you Tony." She said. "Doesn't matter." He said with a smile. She opened it and got teary eyed. "Tony," she breathed. It was a small necklace with her name and a star of David. "It's beautiful," she said smiling. "Thank you." She said. He moved behind her to put on the necklace. He removed her other necklace and she put it on the table. She looked down at it, then at him. She turned around and cupped his face with one hand, and kissed him. He kissed her back then pulled apart. She smiled. "I love it." She said, looking at it. He smiled. She cuddled up close to him and he wrapped his arms around her. They finished the movie then just looked at each other. "You want to stay the night?" She asked. "Very much," he said and leaned in to kiss her. She smiled onto his lips and snaked her arms around his neck. He picked her up and carried her into the bedroom and put her down. She stripped down to her underwears and crawled under the covers. "Marry Christmas," he whispered before capturing her lips.

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