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Tony walked into the squad room at 6:20am. He was early for once and first there. He put his bag down behind his desk and slipped of off his jacket. Then he sat down and started his computer. He looked over at Ziva's desk, then looked around if there was somebody. He stood up and walked over to Ziva's desk. He once again looked around so nobody was there or saw him. Then he started her computer and tried to log in, but he failed. He opened her drawer and looked around. He found a book that looked like her diary. He sat down at her chair and started to look through it. He stopped at one part and read it over again 'Tony have been extremely annoying today. I don't know why he always have to annoy me and throw small paper balls at me. Although, he is pretty cute when he tries to get my attention or tries to be better on something and doesn't success. And then when he caught my attention he always smile, with his DiNozzo smile. That smile, it gives me butterflies in my stomach.' He smiled and continue to read through her diary. 'Tony came to see me off at the airport. I was glad he came. But most, it took me by suprise that he had learn Hebrew for me. That moment when he whispered "at lo levad", will I never forget. I needed to hear those words, and more when it came from him. He had been there really much for me the last days and I really appreciate it. He is more than a friend to me.' Tony once again smiled. He wondered why she never told him about everything. 'Tony asked me up for a dance. I don't know if it were to not blow our cover, but I hope it wasn't. He called me "sweet cheeks" and it made my heart skip twice as fast, although I knew he didn't mean it. I got a flashback with me and my father and it made me think much more. I have found the right man in my life and he is holding me right now. I kept staring at him in the eyes through the whole song and I wished he never let me go. I love this man more than anything. He is my best friend as my lover. And some day I'll tell him how I feel.' Tony heard a ding and looked up. Just McGee, he thought. "What are you doing at Ziva's desk, Tony?" He asked as he walked past him. "Nothing." He said as he laid her diary back in her drawer and walked over to his desk. "Not a word about this, probie!" Tony said. "And if I do?" "I'll email everyone at ncis the picture of you, making out with Abby. And the boss man, will not be happy about it." "Ok fine.." McGee said. Tony smirked and started to play a game on his computer. Minutes pasted by and Ziva walked out from the squad room. "Good morning guys." Ziva said as she put her things down. "Morning Ziva." McGee answered and looked over at Tony. "Good morning Zee-vah." Tony said and looked at her with a smile. Ziva smiled back and sat down and started her computer. "Do we have a case yet?" She asked. "No not yet." McGee answered as he typed on his keyboard. "And it means paperwork." Tony said and smirked at her. "And? What do you want to say with that?" Ziva asked. "Nothing. Nothing at all.." An hour past by and still no case. Tony did everything to annoy Ziva. "Tony!! For god sake! Stop it before I.." Ziva yelled. "Before you do what?" Tony smiled. "Can I talk to you?" She tried to say calmly. "Sure, what's up." Ziva sighed and walked to the elevator with Tony after. Ziva switched the elevator off and looked at Tony angry. "What is wrong with you today?!" She yelled. "Calm down Zi. I was just me..." "Calm down?? Tony you have been throwing paperballs at me the last 20 minutes! Before that you were..." Tony interrupted her by pulling her closer to himself, and kissed her. Her heart skipped faster and she had butterflies in her stomach. She never wanted the kiss to end. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. They pulled back and smiled. Then Ziva remembered. "Don't think this will make me less angry." Tony grabbed her hand. "I love you Ziva. And I know you will hate me after what I have done today. But I love you so much, and I'm glad I read your diary." "You did what?!" She snapped her hand away from his. "I can't believe I had to fall in love with the most stupid and annoyed man in the world! Diary is privately and everyone knows you don't read it!" Tony walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He looked her in the eyes and smiled. "I know that I did today was stupid and mean. But if I'd not have read your diary, I'd not be kissing you right now and telling you that I love you." She slightly smiled. Then he kissed her again. "I'm sorry. I love you." He said when they pulled back. She giggled and kissed him again.

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