Are you alright? Part 2

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Requested by ncislover110 that there would be a part 2. I hope y'all like it, hurried up to finish it for you @VasoAl2002 😊

"Ziver, is that a ring I see?" He asked. She looked at Tony and he at her. They hadn't thought about Gibbs at all. "Yes," she said and swallowed. "We are married," she said quickly, avoiding his gaze. "What?!" Gibbs said, almost yelling. "We can explain." Tony said.

"Elevator, now!" Gibbs said, walking past them. "The conference room is better, it's a long story," Ziva said, nervously. She shot Tony a look before they headed up for the stairs. "Start talking." Gibbs said as they closed the door behind them. "After my father died, Mossad has been on me, checking and research me." Ziva said. "As the last one in my family alive, it's my responsibility to take over my father's place as a director or going back to Mossad. Once Mossad, always Mossad." She said, taking a small pause. "I don't have a choice. Mossad can bring me back to them as long I don't have anything that commit myself to US." She said. Tony reached for her hand and squeezed it. "So I said 'marry me'. I don't want to lose Ziva. That was the first thing that came to my mind. It only needed to stand on the papers, except.. we love each other. She is my Shannon and I will do whatever it takes for her." Tony said. Gibbs sat quiet, just looking at them. "Please say something Gibbs," Ziva said. "Why didn't you told me Ziver?" Gibbs asked. "I was scared. I didn't know what to do." She said. "Ziver, I'm, we, are always here for you. We could have helped you to find a solution." He said. She slight smiled. "So, you accept this?" Tony asked. "I have rules and they are not meant to be broken. But, I know you love her and would sacrifice everything for her. So yes." Gibbs said and both of them smiled. Tony leaned over to kiss her cheek and a slight smile formed on Gibbs lips. "Ok, let's get down and tell the others. We probably left McGee in a chock." Gibbs said with a small chuckle. They walked downstairs where McGee already had told Abby. "Omg omg is it true?" Abby said, jumping up and down. Ziva put her hand up, showing Abby. "Omg it's so beautiful! You two are so beautiful!" She said, bringing them into one of Abby's famous hugs. "Can't breath Abs." Ziva said. Abby let them go and smiled. "I'm happy for you two," was all McGee managed to say. "Thanks probie," Tony said and McGee rolled his eyes. Abby brought Ziva to her desk. "Tell me who did the first move? Why now? Why so fast on the marring thing? Ohh have you been secretely together? Are -" Abby said quickly, overwhelming, as Ziva cut her off. "Abs, calm down. I will tell you all about this later, but right now I have to go." She said and walked out from the squad room. Tony followed her even though she went into the bathroom. "You know this is the ladies room," she said as she heard the door closing. "I do." Tony said and leaned up against the wall. "What do you want?" She asked, walking out from the stall. "This," he said, walking up behind her. Wrapped his arms around her and planted a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and turned around. She sneaked her arms around his neck and looked at him. "What did Abby say?" He asked. "I don't know. Too much." She relpied and kissed him. He kissed her back then pulled apart. "We should get back." She said. They walked back to the squad room and Abby had left. "Do we have a case today?" Ziva asked, sitting down behind her desk. "Not yet." Gibbs said and stood up to get a refill. Ziva's phone went off. "Special agent David." She said. "Hello Ziva." The director of Mossad said. "What now? I'm not leaving ncis." Ziva said, starting to get annoyed. "You don't have a choice David. Either you come back or we will have to do it in the hard way." "I'm married so you can't force me to go back, actually you can't force me at all." Ziva said. "We will be there in 2 days and then we can discuss that." The director of Mossad said and hung up. "What was that about Ziva?" McGee asked, worried. "Mossad?" Gibbs asked, standing infront of her desk. She nodded. "We must have a great plan." He said. "What plan?" McGee asked. "Stop being so sneaky, McCurious." Tony said. McGee muttered for himself. "Can I take the day off?" Ziva asked. "Sure, you go." Gibbs said, kissing her forehead. She grabbed her jacket and bag and made her way to the elevator. "See you tonight?" Tony asked before she stepped into the elevator. "Sure." She replied as the doors closed.

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