I want you to come home

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Tony grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. He put his hand on her cheek. "I want you to come home." He said sweetly. "The first new thing on my list was I'll let go of my badge." "I don't talk about ncis. I want you to come home. With me." Ziva looked him in the eyes and cupped his face. "I'm fighting for you, Ziva." "I know.." They pulled back after some minute. Tony intertwined their fingers together as they walked back to the house. Ziva stopped outside the house. "Why did you come looking for me?" She asked. "I, I uh... I missed you. I couldn't live without you." He said looking down at his feet. She lifted up his chin and looked him in the eyes. "I, I'm s-sorry" she said shyly. "Please, come home with me." He said, looking deep in her brown eyes. Ziva snaked her arms around his neck and pressed her lips on his. He moved his hands to her waist and pulled her closer. He kissed her back then they pulled back. They put their foreheads together and smiled at each other. "I love you Zi." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you too." They walked inside the house. "Do you have any movies, Ziva?" Tony asked as he sneaked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "I have Grease" she said smiling. "Then lets watch it, if you want." Ziva went to get the movie then handed it to Tony who put it in the dvd. Ziva came back some minute later with two glasses and one bottle of red wine. She poured it up to them then Tony started the movie and they toasted. Then Ziva snuggled up onto his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead.

Next day
Tony woke up on the couch with Ziva infront of him. He slipped his hands up in her shirt and felt her warm skin against his. He nuzzled his nose into her hair and back. Ziva opened her eyes and smiled. "Morning Tony" she said sleepy. Tony pulled his hands out of her shirt quickly. "I'm sorry." He said shyly. "It's ok. You didn't have to move." She said and took his hand under her shirt again. "I love you Tony." Tony smiled and started to kiss her neck. "I love you too, every inch of you." He said agaisnt her soft skin. She smiled and rolled over on top of him. She leaned down and kissed him. He kissed her back as he ran his hands up in her shirt. She giggled and kissed him back, then she pulled back and rested her head on his chest. "Come home with me. Please." He said, playing with her long messy hair. "And I'm not talking about ncis. I want you and me. I can't live without you. Please come home with me." "I can't. I have to stay here, make everything right. I'm sorry Tony." "Then I will stay here. I will not let you go again." "Really? You will do that for me?" "I'd do anything for you." He said, kissing her forehead. "But what about ncis?" She asked. "Ncis is your life. What about Gibbs, Abby or McGee or Ducky? Your dad? Your life is in DC." "I don't care. I want you, Ziva. I need you, and I will do whatever to have you. I can't live without you, I can't." A tear ran down on her cheek. "Why are you crying?" He asked sweetly. "I'm just so happy I found a man like you. You will give up everything to get me." She said smiling and wiped away her tear. "But I can't accept that." "What do you mean?" He asked as he put his hand on her cheek. "I will move to DC with you." He smiled and pressed his lips on hers. "I love you." He said some millimeters apart. "I love you too." She mumbled as she pulled him into another kiss.

A week later
Tony and Ziva walked with their fingers intertwined to the airport. Everything was done and they would move to DC together. They had buyed a house there they could have a kid or two. Tony would keep working at ncis and Ziva was looking for a new job. They walked on the plane and sat down on their seats. She looked out through the window. He moved his hand to her leg. "We will come and visit, every year and at least four times. I want our kids to grow up in Israel aswell." He said. She turned around to him and kissed him. "I love you so much." She said and rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you too. Now get some sleep my Israeli." He kissed her forehead and intertwined their fingers.

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