The House at The End Of The Road

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THIS WILL BE A LONG STORY!!! Not many people are aware of the road my father lives on. Its tucked away off the highway and honestly, even I miss it sometimes. At the very end of the road is a small cemetery overlooking the highway. Its cute and quaint. If you happen to venture off a little further down a small gravel road, it leads to a house. This house was once inhabited by an older woman who was always very kind and let us go fishing in her pond. The pond isn't very far from the house but far enough that she couldn't possibly hear us if we were talking at a normal volume. Honestly it's a beautiful place, hidden in the woods away from everyone else. Sadly, old Ms. Thurman passed away. Upon her death her family had an estate sale. My best friends parents who lived next door to my father decided to go to the sale, with us girls in tow. There wasn't many people there. Just Ms. Thurmans kids and a few neighbours. We walked in the house and it was a grisly sight. Now, keep in mind during this time we were about 8-10 years old. The adults didn't seem too concerned about anything so we kept walking and it got worse. Along the walls looked to be blood splatter, walking in the kitchen there was a hockey stick. Again, more blood splatter. But why would they have an estate sale with so much blood everywhere? I never figured that out. To this day it still concerns me that maybe sweet old Ms. Thurman didn't die as quietly as we had thought. About a month or two later, after I had forgotten about the whole ordeal, I went fishing with my brother who was about 14 at the time. My father was tasked with taking care of the grounds of the old Thurman house as it hadn't sold yet and noone was living there to help maintain it. We rode down to the house with him, got our gear together and took off towards the pond. After my father had finished mowing he went back home. We promised we would be back around dark. With dusk setting in we decided it was probably a good idea to head home. I looked up towards the house and froze. There was a huge window facing the pond with a rocking chair where Ms. Thurman would always sit and watch the water. Looking at that window I saw a human figure sitting in the chair. There was a lamp on next to the chair so all I could see was a silhouette. The figure turned like it was looking at us, stood slowly, and then suddenly there was nothing. The light had turned out. At this point my brother grabbed my arm and we ran. Our house was under a mile away. We made it home in record time and didn't stop until we made it in the door. To this day, I have never been back to Ms. Thurman's house but my best friend and I would occasionally visit her grave. I'm still not sure what or who was in her house that night, but it was not the sweet old lady I had grown to love. It was something completely opposite.

This is a completely true story! Sorry it is so long! Had to get the full effect!

Posted by u/BestyKitty

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