Finding My Neighbor Dead at 11 Years Of Age

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Growing up I knew a couple who were the kindest people I had known, every time I went to their house with papers or anything they would invite me in & give me a cold or hot drink depending on the weather, They were just really good people who had lived near me long before I was born.

As I said in the title I was a kid at the time & our neighbour hadn't been seen in weeks, His wife had died not long before his disappearance & while people in the neighbourhood did check on him for awhile after from time to time as he wasn't in a good way after losing her & the funeral was bad enough & he became withdrawn as you'd expect considering they had been together for 40+ years anyway he hadn't been seen in 2 weeks & letters & milk was building up outside of his house.

After some debate on whether or not to knock his door in when one of the side windows was open, anyway long story short I was a small kid & kid fit through the open window with a leg up from my neighbours. As soon as I got inside I could smell the most putrid stench I have ever smelt in my life, fighting the urge to be sick I took in my surroundings I was in their bedroom, I called out to my neighbour so I wouldn't scare him, I had my t-shirt over my nose as the smell got worse as I opened the door leading to the landing I look to the front door, there was no key inside the lock so begrudgingly I walk through the passage looking to see if he was in the living room, no sign of him & I took a breath & felt really sickly as I could taste the smell almost, I notice the toilet door was closed and made my way to open it.

Opening the door I wasn't prepared for what I would find & could see a puddle of black liquid on the floor leading to the toilet, sitting on the toilet was my elderly neighbour dead for what turned out to be at least two weeks his head leaning against the wall, In my 11 year old mind all I could think was how humiliating it would be for him to be found like this, so holding my shirt tightly over my mouth I walk slowly trying to avoid the black pooling liquid surrounding him I reach over to his head, trying to lift it, part of his scalp has torn away as it must have fused to the wall or something. I slip in the pungent black mass & breath in the almost toxic odor & immediately throw up more than I ever had before or since, I finally climb to my feet, stumbling my way to the front door, my eyes stinging from the gross smell & what do I find on the coffee table? The house keys were right next to the front door, so after some fumbling I find the right key & quickly opening the door taking in deep breaths of fresh air I felt sick again as my neighbours surrounded me they could smell the mix of what ever that liquid was I fell in & my own sick as the paramedics & police arrived.

I got quite a lot of grief from the police for trying to move the body of my deceased friend & neighbour & in retrospect I should have left him where he was & just looked for the keys & got out of there, Anyway the reason I am posting this is because it was a defining moment of my life & has affected me a lot over the years since, I still have nightmares to this day 23 years later & I will never forget the smell, the way his body was sat & mostly the sound his flesh made as it tore away from his skull.

Posted by u/SDamienH851

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