Demonic goat skull

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So this started last night I'm still currently dealing with the repercussions. Ive been sitting in a hotel room a little terrified since. So me and my friend went out drinking ln. On our way back he went to go get a air mattress from one of his dad's abandoned moving trucks. We go in there grab the mattress and on our way out he goes "bro do you want this thing?". He pulls out a golden goat skull. He's like this thing kinda creeps everyone out and I don't want it. He then pulls out these long twisted horns and sticks them in the skull. I was like yea that looks gnarly and I can probably get a good couple scares out of it. Long story short were leaving the lot and driving towards the hotel with this skull in the back. We get to the hotel and start rolling a blunt in the parking lot. Next thing I know i'm feeling really uncomfortable. Like my hair standing on edge I get this overwhelming feeling something bad is about to happen and this overall oppressing feeling like something heavy is sucking the air out my lungs. I start to tell him I don't feel good then I see a guy standing on the other side of this glass door. It looks like he's looking at us but there's no way he can see us because we're kinda far and have pretty tinted windows. I tell my friend to look at the guy because he was acting weird. As soon as he looks up the dude sticks his head the door and shakes it violently and unnaturally then just vanishes into thin air. We both look at each other and said fuck that. He throws the car in drive and peels outta the parking lot. We went to a dumpster and threw the skull in there. On the way back he was telling me he thought the skull was haunted a while now. He told me that they never received the skull it just showed up in his dad's storage truck. Everyone that sees it always been too sketched out to move it or much less touch. And that that was actually the first time he touched it after years of it being there. We got back to the hotel and weird stuff been happening ever since. First almost immediately I fell and broke my finger. Then I saw the same disappearing guy again but this time he was walking down the hallway then poof gone again. The dog also sat on the edge of the bed growling at the window most of the night. No one was out there though. This morning I go to get breakfast and I'm waiting behind this creepy looking old guy. He scoots over a little and says "come on over there's room for both of us to get coffee." He also had a spooky accent it sound like he was from the swamps of Louisiana. Everything e said was real short but kinda drawn out at the same time it's hard to explain. Then I'm walking away I say have a nice day he goes "watch out for the boogie man". I said what did you say? He says "the boogie man, don't let him get you" then he stands there smiling at me. I laugh nervously and walk away. Then my grandma just called me saying someone was pretend to be me like they had my name and stuff and we're trying to scam her. She said the even tried to sound like me. I don't know there's just so much weird stuff going on kinda seems like it gave me bad luck or something.

Posted by u/nothing_issolid

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