How can I speak and understand languages that I don't know?

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Before I begin, please note that the only language that I am fluent in, is English. When I was around 17 i went to stay at my best friends house which was really common, I basically lived there. One night when we were sleeping, she woke up because she needed to pee. She told me that when she got up and went to open the door I just sat straight upright in bed with my eyes wide open turned my neck directly to her and just started talking in a language she couldn't identify, she thinks Latin. She was so scared and when she opened the door she said I started harshly whispering in the same language and she felt like she couldn't move. When she came back in she said I was fully asleep like it never happened, I don't remember it.

Another time I was with her, we were out at the beach and an old lady came running to me and started talking really quickly about god, and about my sins, and about repenting. She was talking really harshly, the same way Bree explained my whispering to her. She kept talking to me for like 10 mins and wouldn't let me leave, when we tried to walk away she would grab my arm really tight and her tone would get more sinister, I guess?. When we finally managed to leave I said to bree "damn what was that all about?, creepy lady" Bree just looked petrified and asked me what she said to me, and I asked her, what do you mean, you were right there? And she assured me that the lady was NOT speaking English, but the exact same language I spoke in my sleep.

Posted by u/ Sammyymfp

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