The imaginary friend

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One night when I was 4 or 5 me and my mom got back home from her old boyfriends house. Out of nowhere I said can Chardy stay the night? My mom went along with what she thought was a fake little game she said yes she can. How I wish she never said yes. A few weeks later I asked my mom if I could use her phone to take silly pictures or something she said yes and gave me her phone well I was on a recording app and I was talking about unicorns and rainbows and when I was done I gave the phone back to my mom and told her to listen to it. She did but at the end of it her happy expression was gone and her face was pale and she asked me sweetheart who is that other little girls voice in the recording I said it's my friend Chardys. Fast forward about a month of me talking to my friend Chardy. In the middle of the night I was sleeping beside my mom. She woke up and left the bed. A few years later I asked her about why she got up and she said.....she heard a little girl say mommy I have to show u something so my mom got up and followed the little girl thinking it was me the little girl walked into a pitch black room and my mom felt like something was wrong so she turned around and went back to her room then she got a sick feeling when she saw I was fast asleep in the bed still. This story was told to me from my beautiful mother.

Posted by u/savanah01

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