The shadow man

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When I was 8 I had severe sleep paralysis where I would see a tall black figure walk through my wall and stand and stand there. My parents dismissed this as my imagination and fear from the paralysis. One night I experienced an episode of the sleep paralysis but instead of standing against my wall he came over and sat on my bed and faced away from me. I felt no fear this time even though he was closer to me. That morning I woke up and did my normal morning routine and went downstairs. There's this guest room past my parents' office that's very isolated. When I went downstairs I saw the figure i see during my sleep paralysis walk past the office into the guest room. I followed it and went into the closed door when I heard light breathing and someone say my name in a soft, fatherly tone. I nearly pissed myself and I ran as fast out of the room and started crying to my parents that the "shadow man" walked in the guest room and said my name. My dad got his handgun and checked the room thoroughly and found nothing. I figured it was just my imagination and went on.

I few years later I checked what had happened at my old house before we moved in and I saw that a single father lost his child to the measles and died in the house. It turns out that the father never recovered from the loss of his only remaining family and left the house and died a few months later from malnutrition. His child had the same first name I did.

I wonder if the father's spirit remained at the house as his soul might've died with his son and watched over whatever boy lived in the house.

Posted by u/ThiccBoiBuffy

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