People Wash Up on the Shore of my Island Community.

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There were two more this morning.
I was waiting, watching the sea thrash and roll. I'm not sure when I drifted off. The same nightmare that kept me up the night before covered me again, leaving me in fits.
I saw the boys corpse laying in the waves. Blood being pulled out with the sea foam. Suddenly the clouds started rolling in, wind whipping up sand and spray. I saw lightning flash down the shoreline and felt the thunder boom in my chest immediately after. Something was coming.
The waves grew taller with each one that crashed to shore. When I looked closer I saw that it wasn't just water hitting the shore.
Drifters. Hundreds of them. All tangled into each other in the waves, piling on top of each other as they hit the shore. Levees made of bodies started to block the waves. Suddenly the sky opened above me. The wind stopped. The ocean calmed. The drifters lay in their piles, sleeping like the dead.
The eye of the storm. Just as soon as it started it was over. A million eyes snapped open at once. Their screams layered each other, creating an unholy chorus as they awoke and began flooding inland.
Right before the flood I caught a glimpse of the horizon. Grey clouds mired above rolling waves. Through the rain and wind I could see something moving against the sky, wading through the depths of the water towards my home. I had seen pictures of skyscrapers and this dwarfed them. Just as it began to become clear through the sheets of rain a bolt of lightning struck in front of it.
I woke with a start, jumping from the sand and looking in the direction it had been. The flood was gone, the day was grey but still. Just a dream. I shook the sleep from my eyes and resumed my vigil.
I spotted one washing in with the waves. Male, middle aged, other than the bump in the middle of their forehead and the long, claw-like nails, he could have passed for a normal islander. I set to work and was almost done with the carving when I heard a voice from behind me.
"There's another one."
I looked up, startled. Nobody else came out here this early. After what happened I didn't think anyone would ever come here again. I was surprised even more to see that it was Vale, now nodding towards the shore a ways to my left. I followed her gaze and saw another motionless form crumpled there, sea foam washing over.
"Damn it all." I muttered. Time to kill two birds with one stone. I left the one I was working on and walked over to the new arrival. Before grabbing this one, I dunked my hand into the water and sliced my palm, completing this part of the ritual ahead of time. As I began to drag the body back towards the first drifter, Vale ran up and grabbed the other arm, helping me along.
"It wasn't your fault, you know." She said, grunting with exertion. "I was nearby when they found it... I should have told them to get away before I came to get you. I didn't even think they would do something like that."
"Don't blame yourself." I replied, letting go of the new drifter and kneeling down next to the first. I took out my knife and plunged it into the diaphragm. The piercing scream began, then died out quickly. The new drifter didn't stir.
"If they're showing up more often you're going to need help." she said again, still watching as I doused the first one and struck a match. "Teach me. I can handle it."
I didn't answer her, but threw the match down and started carving the new drifter. Small sizzles could be heard as ocean spray and light rain hit the burning body. I could still feel Vale's eyes on me, intently watching my hands work the knife through skin, carving my legacy in a living canvas.
When the runes were done, I beckoned for her to follow me to the water. She stood beside me as waves lapped over our feet. I looked out at the grey sky and rolling sea, remembering the moment my father brought me out here. How he had carved the runes, then walked me out to the water.
"Have you ever lost someone, Vale?" I asked her. She seemed taken aback by the question at first, and looked down at the water as she pondered it.
"You knew my mother." She said. "You know I lost her."
"You didn't know your mother. She died giving birth to you. Have you ever lost anyone you truly knew and loved?" I shot back.
"Then... no. I guess I haven't."
I sighed and unholstered my knife, turning toward her.
"If you take this on, you will lose someone you love. Maybe more than one. That's what we give up in order to protect the island. Are you prepared to take that on?"
She seemed scared. I couldn't really blame her. She saw the aftermath of what happened yesterday. She knew what we would be dealing with. But underneath the fear there was a desperation. Desperation to prove her strength and protect others.
"I am." She finally answered after staring out at the forming waves. "What do I have to do?"
"You're not of my bloodline, but there are certain cases where others can be allowed in to take over." I looked down at my hand, the cut already clotted with blood. I swept the knife across to reopen it. "Come. We have to go further out."
When we were waist deep in the water I handed her the knife.
"Cut your palm and hold it open." I said. She winced as the sharp edge of steel sliced her hand. The blood flowed quickly, dripping into the water and leaving a red cloud. I held my hand above hers, making a fist and squeezing so a trickle of blood fell onto her cut. I then opened my own palm, placing it flat on hers so our cuts aligned, and took her hand under the water. She drew a deep breath in through her teeth as the saltwater hit open flesh, but composed herself quickly.
"I, Raleigh Carrous, do hereby pass my bloodline on to Vale Jensen. Having no living children, and having taken no wife, I realize that any day my bloodline may die and our cleansing end. Vale has offered herself as a tribute to the ocean, pledging to protect the island and all inhabiting it from the drifters and the heretical gods they serve. Do you accept this duty, Vale?"
"Yes." She replied. I motioned for her to walk further into the water, letting go of her hand. She looked at me, asking "How far?"
"Until the sea takes you." I replied. She nodded, walking further. At about ten meters out she was completely engulfed, going under the water. She came up moments later, walking back to my position. Her usually wild, curly hair was now limp and soaked around her shoulders. She shined with a new purpose as she rejoined me.
"You are aware that with this acceptance you may never leave the island, being the first and last defense against the unknown. You know that the ocean requires a heavy toll for your service and the power bestowed upon you. Do you still accept?" I hoped she would say no, but knew in my heart she couldn't. It was the same feeling I had thinking back to when I took the oath, my father standing in my place. Once you had the notion to take on this duty, it never left you.
"Yes." She said again.
"Vale Jensen, by my power and authority, being the last remaining of my bloodline, I surrender you to the sea. Today you are born anew in the salt and brine of the ocean." I withdrew my hand from the water, turning my fingers down so the mix of saltwater and blood coated my finger tips. I drew the rune of rebirth on her face, a clockwise spiral ending in a smaller spiral spinning counterclockwise from the center. The ever flowing dichotomy of life and the sea.
"I swear to serve with my life." She replied, giving a small bow.
"We'll start your training tomorrow." I told her. "For now, I will finish this ritual. You will walk back to the village and stand in the square until I return. Tell anyone that asks you are now my apprentice."
"Yes, sir." she said, walking back up the beach.
I sighed as she left, taking myself back up to where the newest drifter lay on the sand. I kneeled next to it, hefting my knife once more. I placed it above the diaphragm, one hand holding it steady while the other was poised above it, ready to thrust downward. I bowed my head, closing my eyes and whispering a prayer.
"Protect her. Let me be the father to her I could never be to my own daughter." I muttered. My hand raised up, tensing at the expectation of pain when it hit the knife handle. I was more surprised to feel the hand on my wrist as it moved downward. My eyes snapped open to see the drifter grabbing on, holding my hand back.
"Our numbers are infinite." it said. "We serve, and we will be rewarded. We will devour you. Drown you in the blood of your loved ones. We are vast as the ocean and relentless as the waves. We. Will. Break. You."
The pure hatred in its eyes terrified me. I had never seen anything like it, the pure, dripping spite. It bore through my skin and into my soul. It despised me, and that cold, unfeeling stare almost seemed to freeze the entire world. I forced myself to move as it opened its mouth wide to scream, making the wind pick up and clouds go dim.
My other hand plunged the knife in. It's screams turned to wet gurgles as it drowned, choking on blood. I fell back in the sand, shaking. After what seemed like eternity I pulled the knife from it's chest and got the gas can and herbs, beginning the final step of cleansing. I didn't stay to make sure the fire was put out, but instead rushed back up the path to the village, stopping at the first person I saw.
"'Ello, Raleigh. Anything I can do for you?" He said. I didn't remember his name but recognized him from the butcher shop in town.
"I need you to go to the shore and keep watch. If any wash up, come get me. I'll be speaking to Briggs in his office." He looked at me quizzically, not quite understanding why I would want an untrained person watching the shore. I ended up losing my temper, "JUST FUCKING GO!"
He tore off up the path, leaving a dust cloud behind him. I rushed into the square, grabbing Vale who was standing in the middle, chatting with some of the village women who were congratulating her. We barged into the office to Briggs' surprise.
"Raleigh. You didn't tell me you had chosen an apprentice already. I should have had final appro-" I cut him off before he finished.
"What the FUCK is happening, Briggs?" I shouted, causing both him and Vale to wince in return. "One of those damned things GRABBED me and FUCKING SPOKE! They've never spoken before."
His eyes grew wide. I could see Vale bring a hand to her mouth next to me. Briggs sat back in his chair, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a tall bottle filled with dark amber. He produced three glasses from the same drawer and started pouring.
"I'm sorry for overstepping your authority." He said, raising the glass to his lips and sloshing half of it down his shirt from shaking hands. "I had hoped this wouldn't happen while I was in charge. Guess I hoped for too much."
He drained his glass, then got up and walked over to a portrait on the wall. Pulling the portrait up and setting it down on the floor, he revealed a safe behind it. He opened it and pulled out a large, leather-bound book, yellowed with age. The next item he revealed was an old flintlock pistol.
"Everything you'll need to know is in there." He said, motioning to the book. "I'm sorry, but this... it's just too much."
He raised the gun to his temple and cocked the hammer. I barely had time to grab Vale and avert her eyes when he pulled the trigger. Warm blood and sharp skull fragments sprayed over us.

Posted by u/googlyeyes93

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