Creepiest Break-In (True Story)

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I promise you... my break in story will be unlike any other you've read on this page.

EDIT: This was in 2007.

I was watching a movie in my old apartment building when I heard a thundering crash. This was a bit jarring since I had headphones on and was watching on a laptop (unnecessary since my roommate was out of town, but it was habit). I quickly got up and left my room, and that's when I felt the cold draft. I looked to my right where the bathroom door stood ajar, to the open widow.

I knew for a fact that the window hadn't been open earlier, and that window was attached to fire escape, and my immediate thought was, "Someone is in my apartment."

I quickly turned on all the lights in every room and checked every closet, phone in hand, ready to call the police. But there was no one (small city apartment, takes 30 seconds to check it all). I went back to the bathroom and looked more closely. Everything from the vanity had been thrown into the toilet, a whole two feet away.

But where had the crash come from? It had been a thundering crash after all. I'd felt the vibrations in my bones.

I still didn't feel safe, so I leave my apartment and go into the hall, then I notice the common Hall window, which also leads to the fire escape, is also open.

That window is never open.

I call the police. When they arrive, the search my apartment, then ask me if it was possible that the bathroom vanity stuff had blown into the toilet... a whole two feet away. I tell them no, because I never left the window open, and there was still a crash that nobody can account for.

The police go up the fire escape and discover another open window, three floors up. They enter the apartment because they believe the intruder may still be in there. I watch from the door as see that the apartment had been ransacked, everything on the floor, a massive mess.

Why didn't that happen to my apartment?

Why was only my vanity stuff thrown in the sink?

The police get my statement and leave. I lock everything up tight and sleep relatively well considering the night's events. I even feel bad for the people upstairs who's apartment was trashed.

But that still didn't explain the thundering boom I heard.

The next day, the building manager calls and asks me to come to his office. He shows me a video of a hooded man entering the front of the building, and asks if I know him. I told him I did not. The manager then informs me that the hooded man is the one who had broken into my apartment (and the apartment 3 floors above mine) the night before.

I asked how he knew this.

I wish I hadn't asked.

Unknown to me, the back alley with the fire escape has a camera on it. We know that the hooded man entered the building from the front, and it was guessed that he went up a few floors somewhere, and exited from a common hallway onto the fire escape.

But then I had to watch... as this hooded man... in the darkness of a Friday night... slinks down the fire escape... and crawls into my bathroom window... knowing full well that the occupant inside the apartment was me... completely defenseless.

Then it all clicks into place. I knew why my apartment was left mostly untouched.

As I said, I was watching a movie at the time with headphones on.My desk faces away from my door, and I'm the first door you reach from the bathroom.This apartment was very old (100+ years actually), and there were no locks on the inner apartment doors.The hooded man had possibly opened my door, seen me inside, and decided not to attack me even though my guard was completely down. My back was too him, and my headphones meant I wouldn't hear footsteps.It's also possible that he saw the light from under my door and decided to leave before making anymore noise.

Which brings us to near the end, because the video feed I was being shown wasn't over. I had to watch the hooded man crawl back out of my apartment, after he'd decided not to ransack my place too.

Then he jumped onto the fire escape, which came down with... a thundering crash.

We never did find out who it was. We do know that it was either someone who lived in the building, or they knew someone in the building well enough to be given the front door code.

Never in my life did I think I'd have to watch a video feed of someone crawling into my home, knowing that I'm inside it, and remains one of my creepiest encounters in my life.

Stay safe out there folks!

Posted by u/SushiThief

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