The woman in my room

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I have been experiencing sleep paralysis for some time now, and when I wake up in my dream there was a shadow of a man standing at the bottom of my bed, i just shrugged it off because it was harmless, i just pray and then i wake up from my dream then i go back to sleep again. Because there was never a time that i slept without experiencing sleep paralysis, it was just common for me for some time. I was confused when i saw a shadow of a woman beside me standing, somewhat looking at me but i can't see her face. I was scared at that time so i just prayed, i was wondering where the man went and started wondering who this woman could be. But i would never forget this one experience in my life, just telling it makes me shiver in fear.

When i started seeing the shadow of a woman beside my bed i asked our maid to sleep at my room, she slept near my bed. When i fell asleep, i suddenly woke up and i can't talk, i can't move, i had a bad feeling that someone was looking at me so i started moving my fingers on my feet (some say that you can wake up from a dream/nightmare when you move your toe fingers) and then i woke up but still cannot move, suddenly someone pulled my feet from my bed, i was scared and screaming from the top of my lungs but no sound comes out, i can see our maid sleeping, i started banging my cabinets when i was being pulled to wake her up but there were no sounds. I started praying and then i woke up again, i tried to move again but i can't for the 3rd time. I started praying the lord's prayer and hail Mary. Halfway through praying hail Mary i opened my eyes and saw a shadow of a woman near me like looking at me, she prayed the hail Mary while laughing maniacally, she was mocking my prayers i can hear it echo in my room and i started praying my own prayer and then it stopped. I woke up from my nightmare and then I opened all of my lights in my room.

Since then I never sleep in my room with no lights on. I can still feel her in our house but not in my room anymore.

Posted by u/reian_mich03

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