Walking Toys

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When i was about 12yrs old my mom used to be a manager at a Vacation Resort in FL. One day someone left behind a Minnie Mouse Plush Toy about 3 to 4 ft tall. Noone came back to claim it by the given time so my mom kept it and brought it home to me. At first I loved the toy, but at night sometimes I felt like something kept walking around the room and around the house making noises and being reckless, my mom every morning always thought it was me being rebellious. I stopped sleeping in my room and went on to sleep with my mom but the noises kept going ea. night. After a few weeks I told my mom about it she didn't give much attention to it. Coincidentally the day after a Church Pastor was coming over to talk to the family and give some sort of bible study; Not a very religious person but I didn't oppose either. I was planning to take advantage of the opportunity and tell him about my toy. When he came by before even coming into the house, after introducing himself he asked me"Does you toy walk around the house at night?" was shocked as to how he knew? He didn't even know us. He then told me to get rid of it, because he felt there was some sort of "demon" trapped inside of it ... I still get chills when i talk about it.

Posted by u/Kayfigue01431

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