Dolls and Death Mix a Little Too Well

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When I was 11 I lived with my mom and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend had a few daughters and one of them I shared a room with. We'll call her J.

J and I were going through some rooms and looking at random things. We spotted a suitcase under a bed and opened it. Inside were some trinkets but most importantly 2 dolls. One of which was an angel with brown eyes and was crying (important so remember that) and the other looked like a corpse.

For some reason we decided to bury them. A few weeks went by and we had forgotten about them. No one had known about them at the time besides us.

After we had done all our chores we went down for bed. I opened the door first and screamed. Behind my bed was an eye. J startled rushed in and screamed as well. She grabbed the doll and pulled it out along with the other one. The angels eyes were a dark red now and both dolls hair was coming off. We stuffed them in a suitcase and buried them the next day.

My mom broke up with the boyfriend and I no longer live in that house. Actually the house was taken down shortly after and now no one can go on the property. So now we don't know if the dolls are still there. I have more stories but this is a good start.

Posted by u/lightsdragons

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