Mr. widemouth

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Before I start I want to say sorry because English is my Second language. You have probably read a story with the same title but this is different. It happened when I was 10 or 11, I got a concussion in hockey. So I had to stay home for a week or two, my mom and I were in the process of moving in to our new house, New Vineyard main population 646. And since we were just moving in my room was bare so all I had was books and my phone. One day I was reading and I hear a voice coming from under my bed and got really scared. I've always been a paranoid, person so I would ever have a knife or a bat next to my bed. So I grabbed my bat and looked under my bed. What I saw amazed me a little white creature it looked like a Gremlin before it turned into a monster. He came out under my bed I asked it if it had a name, he said mr.widemouth I laughed I said his name really fit him. But I think that I offended him for A couple days he would talk to me. When I got better and had to leave for school, he would get mad. And trying to Hurt me. Weeks passed of me taking to me, my mom ask me who I was talking to I said mr.widemouth . She just thought it was an imaginary friend. Then when mr.widemouth started to ask me to do things like jump out of my window and I was on the Second floor, he would also ask me to catch arrows like I said I had a lot of weapons he would make me steal or he would hurt me. I guess when my mom saw me with scratches on my face, she asked me what happened and I said mr.widemouth she brought me to a therapist. The therapists asked me who was mr.widemouth, I said a gremlin, she asked me if he was nice I said no, she asked what did he do said hurt me she sent us home. Then when I got home I asked my mom if I could go out side. She said yes we had a big yard with a path. Mr.widemouth asked me to come with him down it, yet I said no. After that I did not see him again one night I saw a light outside went to look and I saw him mr.widemouth with a little girl she lived two houses down. When I was watching mr.widemouth looked at me and left.the next day there was a amber alert The only reason I remember this is I saw my old house when I was driving to my mom

Thank you for reading this, this incident still scares me today.

Posted by u/mr_troll706

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