Mana pools skin walker.

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This is a story from Africa and most likely the only skin walker story from Africa

My uncle,cousin and myself try go to mana pools often as we don't like the generic game parks (such as the Kruger national park in South Africa) all the tourists go to. Plastic and fake with all the fences make us feel caged

Now we have all been going into the bush for years and most likely be out there for months or years with out giving it much thought. Just to bad we have life's and work. The bush is our home away from home. Mana pools in Zimbabwe though is special i'm its own. You have lions and elephants walking though your camp (there are cabins as well but we like the camp sights). The one time we have a nile croc take a zebra not more than 20meters from our camp sight. Ya. Its the real Africa and not the Africa you shown in your local travel guides.

So this happened when we took our friend's from the states,to show them the real bush. I,as always took my hammock and my .375 rifel and colt 1911 hand gun (i still need to protect myself from the hippos and stuff).

Once we got there to the camp sight and we had set up i went for a walk looking for aby tracks for our friends from across the grate lake. Nothing bad. A few lions,a cheeter, zebra and a elephant had came across where we set up camp. Ok cool i thought, they going to have a fright of there life to night. I kept on walking around when i saw these strange tracks in the soft sand. Maybe about 30centermeter long by 15 wide. Looking almost human,but with cat like in prints. My uncle came from behind and asked if i found anything. I showed him the primts asking if hed seen anything like them before. He shrugged it off and said that's one bug baboon. We laughed and walked back to camp.

The week was pretty uneventful. Saw some guys down river fishing. (Remember that,important). But they were so far from us we didn't bother. About day 5 i went paddling down river to find a good fishing sight. Drifting down i saw some hippos and some lions on the river bank. They didn't looks right,almost like they were scared. I thought odd,this isn't normal behaviour for them. I ended up were we saw the other camp,i paddle dlld ashore. The guy who greeted me looked shaken. I jokily asked if they were the 1st time out here. He said ya and they leaving tomorrow when they get there car fixed something about a animal wrecking the engine. I said i'm sorry and asked him if the fish were biting here. He looked at me pale and said its time to leave. There way he lokked and the way he sounded wasn't right. Sent shivers down my spine.

When i got back to the camp i was telling my uncle what happened. He looked at me and said "ya,mana isn't for everyone,you never know whats around you". I asked him meaning "he said. "Liie thise strange tracks you found,I've never seen them before" . grate uncle now you tell me. I jump into the truck to go i'm a game drive taking my friends along with. My friends sister is quite uptight and is scared. Im saying don't panic. If you see one of us panic then get scared. She laughs and we carry on. We carry on talking and she askes if it was her last night that was dreaming or did we have a really big animal out side last night. I said most likely as we in the bush,i told her not to worry as we have guns that can take down most things.

Night came and we were all around the camp fire telling scary storys of the bush, monsters of the African Bush. I notice that the people down river is running around frantically. I stop the stories and say hey guyz watch closely. I looks though my scope and what i saw how ever will for ever haunt me. This beast aboit 3-4meters tall tearing the guy i spoke to in the morning,another beast eating what seemed to be a human torso. I put my rifel down slowly. I said calmly we need to go. Looking at my uncle and cousin they saw the fear in my eyes. My uncle grabbed my rifle and looked though my scope. I heard him saying "what in gods name" i remember thinking these things haven't seen us. Thats why we still alive. Our friends suddenly catch on and see the fear my uncle and myself are caught by. My friends sister lokks though her camera and screams. A few seconds later she sats with a scrapy voice "it's looking at us" suddenly the fear washes over me. I turn around and see my uncle loading stuff into the truck,my cousin and friends are running around grabbing.

With in minutes everything was mostly packed when we heard a brach breake,only sound we heard. I stand dead still. Everyone else freezes on the spot,listening. The river was to our backs. I slowly gester to everyone get to the river,Onto the cannos. Only thing i thorght of that could save us was the crocs and hippos. We all slip down the river bank while these things where just out side of the fires light. All of a sudden this thing crys out almost like a hippo been eaten alive while giving birth. Going on for what seemed for ever. We mange to get into the boats and softly paddel away from the bank. What we saw standing on top of the river banks clear and in full view cant be described. Blood running from its mouth. My cousin shot at it. It it seemed like it didn't even feel it. It stood there tall. Pacing up and down the river bank fir the night. We couldn't sleep.

Day breake came and that thing walked back into the bush. The park rangers saw us on the boat and was worried we were potchers. It was a relief to see other humans. Guns drawn on us we explained it all. Tge police said we were the only people in the park camping. We went to the other camp sight and it was empty it her than those strange tracks. Its gotten me thinking,are the rangers feeding this thing,or don't they cear and cover it up. One thing. Ill never go to the same part if the park. But i still go. I know its watching me. Next time when we meet,i'm taking it home.

Will update next time i go.

Posted by u/dr_white_rabbit

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