My Creepy Neighbour Story! Please Help!

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Hello Guys, my name is Lilli and i downloaded reddit just to share this story with you. I really want to know what people think about it or have any ideas what the hell is going on because i cant sleep for days since this happened. Its probably going to take a little bit longer to read this but here you go: Okay so i am living at the edge of a smaller city with just a few neighbours. All of them are alright, except one of them, namely the one who lives directly in front of our house. Its a very old and dilapidated house, which is why i always had an antipathy towards the house as a child. The lamps outside are broken, the balcony seems unstable and it looks like no one is living in it. The man who lives in the house is very old and grumpy. When me and my sister were young he always yelled at us if we came to close to his house or garden, a very unfriendly man that everyone of my family tries to avoid.

He is not only unfriendly but also extremely creepy. From my room i have a look at his house (i can add pictures if you want), also into his attic. It looks like there are weird equipments standing there, but my mother always said it would be just an old laundering network. Its hard to really see what it is. Another creepy thing is that it seems like he only lives in his cellar, because the lights are only burning there (can be seen from the side view of his house). My Dad used to make jokes about him hiding creepy experiments down there but after what happened i don't think its funny anymore. I also have to add that with the time he got very old so his son comes visiting him every day to help him with his household. So heres to what happened:

I was at a friends house and came home with the car. It was around 2 A.M. I parked the car and then i saw my neighbour coming out of his house, having a flashlight and a knife in his hand. I was afraid that he would have seen me coming home and coming towards my car, although he would not have been a threat to me due to his age. He did not came to me, he did not even heard or saw me. He searched something with the flashlight in his garden, wandering through the bushes. I was too scared to get out of the car and letting him see me, because he had this strange look on his face. He was definitely not sleepwalking, he seemed pretty scared himself although I could not see him perfectly because it was very dark. I thought maybe he just heard animals outside and could not get sleep, but why would he take a knife with him? I was freaking out in the car and then i saw him "running", more like walking fast, to his front door and getting inside as if he had seen or did something very scary. I waited some minutes longer until i got out of the car to get inside my house, always watching my back. Somehow i felt watched, not sure if it was just because i was scared by the situation and imagining that or if it was real. I lay down the whole night thinking what just happened until i fell asleep. The next morning i told my sister what happened and she said she heard some strange noises last night, but earlier than 2 A.M. We decided that our neighbour was just chasing an animal at night and that reassured me. And now its where it gets super weird!! The evening his son came as usually, i saw his car parking on the street. Some minutes later when i was going to take out the trash i saw two police cars parking in our street, next to my neighbours house. His son was talking with the officers. He must have died the same night that i came home with the car and saw him outside. I don't know what the hell happened to him and how he died, but it totally freaks me out. I then also told my parents what happened, but they say he probably just died because of his age and that he was confused when he was outside but he really did not looked confused! He looked like he saw something very evil, and the way he ran back to the door is always repeating in my mind. There must be a connection. But its still not enough. The whole thing happened 5 days ago now and last night i heard the strange noises my sister and my neighbour heard too. Its like a slow deep "Krrrrrch". I cant describe it nor connect it with any animal living here in Germany. The noise comes from my neighbours House. I turned on my light to see if i could have a look from my window to the animal or thing the noises came from. I saw nothing but i felt again like somebody was watching me and looking me directly into the eyes. And i could have sworn that i saw something moving in the attic of my dead neighbours House. Something big and human like. Guys, i'm freaking out. I cant sleep at night, afraid to hear this noise again or feeling watched. What could that animal be? Is it even an animal? Or is it like an evil spirit? Has it killed my neighbour? Has there been a reason why my neighbour lived in his cellar and never went into his attic where i saw something moving? Why did my neighbour looked so scared? I have so many questions and i hope some of you might have an answer to them. I am happy to every respond, hoping that i might get a clue to the whole Situation.

I am also sorry if there are any language mistakes, i am not a native speaker.

Posted by u/nutellaaa_01

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