Story that kept me up every night for months

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My cousin told me this story in the car when I was 9, I'm 16 now an I still think about it l. Not that scary but just a good old campfire story.

The story goes... One night a little girl was at her grandmothers with her parents. The grandmother really didn't like her for some odd reason. She scouled every-time the girl would speak. The grandmother gave the little her an old looking china doll. The girl didn't really like the doll because she had a frown on her face. She took the doll home with her and went to bed. She left the doll in the sitting room on the couch because she had no interest in her. That night the parents went out for a while when the girl was sleeping. Only for a couple of hours. The girl woke up to footsteps downstairs. She was frightened because she knew her parents were out.... Then from the bottom of the stairs she heard a small voice singing "La La I'm on the first step..." She sat up in her bed terrified. "La La Im on the second step" This went on all the way to her door, the knob twisted... She went under the covers and shut her eyes frozen in fear. "La La I'm on your bed" Tears rolling down her face she removed the covers from her face to find the doll on top of her with a knife between the dolls fingers. The doll stabbed her in the neck and stared at the girl until she was dead.

When the parents came home they went to check on their daughter and found her dead body, knife in neck with the doll on the ground beside her. The only difference was that the doll had a smile on her face now. The end

That story kept me up for months on end and my mom was so pissed at my cousin for telling me.

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