The Truest Paranormal Story I have ever been told

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Okay, so this is gonna be a super long post, and this story happens over increments of time (approx. 3 months) so I will try to keep everything organized as best as possible.

Source background: This story didn't happen to me, but to my dance teacher. She told me and my classmates this story one night during one our classes. I will call her Jenna, and her husband, Matt, and Matt's little sister, Kayla. All people are important in this story, and all experienced paranormal activity. Jenna is a God-fearing Christian that did not believe in any type of spirits beforehand, and she would not make up this story to scare high school girls during a class time that we were paying for her to teach. She was obviously very shaken, and decided to tell us her story.... so here goes.

The Beginnings: Jenna and Matt had just gotten married, they were in their early twenties, and just had bought into a year-long lease at this cute, little white, old house minutes away from Matt's parents. Since being newlyweds they still had a ton of moving boxes located in their bedroom and overall it was kinda mess. When things started happening to them, it was very small. Now, despite the disorganized post-wedding boxes, Jenna is a complete clean freak. So when her makeup seemed to be scattered everywhere in the bathroom and the toothpaste would go missing and show up in random places like under their bed, she would immediately blame Matt for what happened.

Blaming the husband: Anything little like the wedding boxes being messed up, her makeup suddenly getting thrown around in the bathroom, or clothes being pulled out of drawers, she would go to Matt and be like "Honey, why have you been doing ____" and he will be like "Uh I didn't touch anything Jenna, calm down." She accused him about 20 times of doing things to mess with her. Jenna swore that it was Matt and she told us she honestly was questioning her marriage at this time (jokes.) it wasn't until one night, that even the possibility of ghosts or someone living under the house that crossed Jenna's mind.

That one night: Jenna and Matt both worked 9-5 jobs, so when they came home after work they usually would just have a chill night in, adjusting to the life of being newlyweds. After dinner, Matt would basically just go sit and watch tv in the living room while Jenna did the dishes in the kitchen. During their post-dinner routine, Jenna called out of the kitchen, "Matt do you have any dishes in there that needs to be clean? I want to get all of them done." And he called back from his recliner "Nope." So Jenna laid all the wet dishes onto the counter top to dry, away from the sink and cleaned out the sink for the night. She then proceeded to walk into the bedroom for a quick second to check on their two, small dogs sleeping on the floor, and then walked back into the kitchen. Jenna became furious when she saw one single glass sitting in the sink. She ran into the living room and screamed at her husband "Matt! I told you if you had anymore glasses to give them to me!!" He then replied "Jenna, you saw me, I haven't left my recliner..." it was true, it would have been impossible for him to get up and get back into the recliner without her seeing him. She said "Well there's a glass in the sink, and I didn't put it there." Matt suddenly laughed and joke "Maybe we have a ghost." Jenna became terrified, not at the thought of having a ghost, but maybe something more realistic like someone living under their house. The next morning she called the sheriff and had them check under the house. No one was there or had been there ever.

Kayla's Story:

Kayla, Matt's 17 year old sister, decided to spend the night on Jenna and Matt's couch one night when her parents went out of town for an anniversary trip. This was around 2 months of Jenna and Matt living in this house, and they obviously had suspicions about something not being right, but they didn't tell a soul about what was going on, because they thought they would sound crazy. Kayla had no idea about the strange activity going on in the house. So when Jenna woke up at 5 in the morning after Kayla spent the night, she panicked when she did not see Kayla on the couch. She woke up Matt and they both were freaking out because they hadn't heard anything from her and her car was missing in the drive way. They decided to drive minutes down the road to Matt's parents house and sure enough, they found Kayla asleep in her car. Kayla woke up, and her first response was "I am NEVER staying at your house again." She told them of how she woke up to smell of smoke in the house, but didn't see or smell the smoke outside of her position on the couch. She decided to ignore it, but as soon as she tried to go back to sleep she started hearing heavy knocking sounds coming from under the couch, that only occurred when she placed her head down on the pillow. As soon as her head would come off the pillow, the knocking would stop. Now, this freaked her out a great deal, but what made her run was when she saw Jenna's two small dogs sitting in the living room, facing her, and not making a sound. No barking, just staring. She tried to call them to her, but they wouldn't budge. She then ran outside, too scared to stay another second and drove to her house to sleep in her car. At this point, Jenna and Matt knew they had to get out before things became worse.

The day that they decided to leave:

Jenna was still at work but Matt came home early one afternoon. As Matt was walking into the kitchen he really didn't notice anything off, it was just another day of coming home. He went into the bedroom to use the bathroom and check on the dogs...but then he heard a huge crash come the kitchen. He ran into the kitchen to find all the drawers and everything inside the drawers had been flung open and scattered onto the floor. Pots, utensils, bowls, plates, everything you can imagine. He then called Jenna and said these fateful words "Do not come home, I have the dogs, we are not coming back to this place. Go to my parents."

The land-lady:

Now, Jenna realized that since she signed a year long lease there was no way that she could just get out of it. But, she also knew there was no way her or Matt were going back there. So she called the land lady and said "Hey, is there any way we can get out of this lease." And to Jenna's shock she replied, "Yeah, no problem. Can I ask the reason you are leaving?" And Jenna replied "Have you ever been told this house is haunted??" There was a long pause by the land lady and she sighed and said "Yes, almost all previous owners complain of something like that...You are not the first to get out of your lease early." Jenna became furious, "Don't you have to disclose that in selling the house?!" The lady replied, "We only have to say if someone was killed in the house, to our knowledge nothing of that extreme nature has happened."

The end:

To this day, Jenna tries to avoid driving past that little, seemingly innocent, house, but when she does drive by she never sees the same set of cars there twice.

Posted by u/summetimesadness321

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