Something tried to lure my crush

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Ok so this happened in 2016 in Austria. I (F19) was in a summer camp with the local scouts, having fun, drinking, hiking and sitting by the campfire. We had wood to burn by the camp administration but those pieces were small and for the usual mid-camp party we wanted a huge pyramid of wood for a massive fire. So a few of us left the campsite and searched for long branches in the woods right next to us. The campsite was a private one so there weren't any campers besides our group. I was kinda lazy and didn't want to go. The sun was setting and I was playing cards with my best friend when I saw that my crush was also leaving, wanting to look for nice branches. Me, not missing one chance to help her or strike up a conversation, I jumped up and trotted behind. I didn't catch up immediately to look casual. She didn't see me and I had some second thoughts about trying to talk to her all the time. Instead I stayed like 20 meters away, to maybe have her talk to me if she wanted.

Just one minute into searching and after walking into multiple spider webs, I heard her talking. Something like "what is it?". I came closer because I had a rival at that time and didn't want them to be alone too much. Silly, I know. I saw her, somewhat hidden behind some trees with her back to me. She was facing the even darker parts of the woods and then I clearly heard her ask: "do you need help now, or what?" Then came the part that let my stomach turn. She approached whoever she has been talking to and laughed my name in an asking manner. There wasn't anyone else with my name in the camp so she must have been talking to me. Still, she faced the opposite direction. I suddenly felt fear and without thinking I ran towards her and shouted her name. Visibly startled she turned around with a confused look and asked why I was being so loud. I swear, as I called out for her, I saw something running away. It had red legs, the same dark red as my jogging pants I wore that day. My crush stared at me, first only confused. Then scared. We ran out and to the campfire immediately. She swore I stood there, calling her name and gesturing her to come closer. She said I didn't move an inch to get closer to her instead. I would call her mad but I saw my sweatpants through the woods as well. We told our leaders and the others and checked the place but found nothing. They said we were probably just tired. Nothing weird happened for the rest of that camp but I am still creeped out by that day. My crush always goes silent when somebody mentions that incident, calling her superstitious.

I have no idea what that was but it seemed like some kind of fairy shit to me at that time. Maybe you guys know what that could have been. That girl is still my crush and we are still with the scouts and good friends. But we don't talk about what she saw since she seems almost traumatized. She usually is chill, sarcastic and is generally a normal person who I wouldn't trust with hallucinating or lying about these things. It just bugs me.

Posted by u/nepnop

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