I saw a shadow person

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When I was about 5 (I'm 13 now) my family lived in a house that was built over 100 years ago. I only ever saw anything strange once. I was in my bed (I had a bunk bed at the time) and as usual, my parents where downstairs, and the landing light was on. My bedroom light was of. I remember it was quite late. I was just about to drift off, when I heard the landing light click off. I opened my eyes to see that the landing light was now off. I was confused because I could still hear both my parent talking downstairs. Then something caught my eye; by the door of my now dark bedroom, I saw a lady wearing a posh dress, or rather, the shadow of a posh lady wearing a dress. Just the shadow. In my young age, I assumed this shadow was my mother. 'mum?' I said quietly. The shadow advanced forwards. 'mum?' a bit louder. It was then I could tell, this was not my mother. I screamed, causing my parents to run upstairs. They entered my room and turned in the light, and the shadow disappeared. I'm not lying, I know what I saw. And that was the only time I saw it. Another thing to note is that house had a basement that got sealed of before we moved in. I have more questions than answers, but I'm sure that something happened in that basement back when it was built, and that shadow had something to do with it.

Posted by u/KetchupCreature

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