The man in the field

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In July 2014 I was ten years old. me and my best friend were next door neighbours and have known each other since we were 4 so we are pretty close. We were staying at his house because his parents weren't going to be home and his older brother was leaving for the night because it was a Saturday. We had been up for awhile it was about 12am. We were playing call of duty black ops 1 and black ops 2. At one point we started messing around beating each other up and throwing stuff at each other. At one point he threw a ball at me and broke a piece of his blinds on his sliding door and said his parents would notice so we decided to go throw it in the field behind our houses. We walked out his front door walked on his side yard up the hill into the field he threw it in the field. But then we looked up and there was a tall man standing in the middle of the field watching us. I couldn't really make out a face it was kinda all beat up. He started walking towards us so we booked it and ran back into his house and locked all the doors. We texted his brother to come home because he was just up the street but he never answered. About 5 minutes later my dogs in my backyard started freaking out at something behind the fence. My mom called me and asked me if we were outside I said no but told her about the man in the field and she said just stay in my friends house. We continued to play ps3 and kept looking back at his sliding door to see if someone was watching us. Then one of the times I looked back the mans head was looking at us over his fence we ran into his room because we were in the living room. And once we got in the room we sat on our phones for awhile and then ended up falling asleep we woke up in the morning and looked outside. There was no one. Still to this day we never found out who the man was or what he wanted but I sure hope I never see him again.

Posted by u/chase413

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