This is something I've kept in my memory for a long time

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Two friends and I decided to spend the night together because number one friend came back to town for a little while. While going to her house during the day we three saw this teenager doing really cool tricks onto walls and shit. It's as almost no joke as if he was like Spider-Man based on what he would do like climbing up apartment buildings and stuff. I thought it was weird but still continued to go to the friends house to drop my stuff off and go see my grandmother that lives in the same complex. I asked about the boy while I was there and she just told me to stay away. We all three thought that was kinda weird but didn't think much of it at the time. Near dusk time where it's dark but still light out we decided to go to the little park area that's a small fenced in swing set. We got there and the boy was standing staring down at the small 7 gated fence. We thought it was weird and obviously asked if he was okay. He turned his hand once and everything was fine but then turned his head back towards the fence but then back at us and it look as if he had two faces and then he did the same thing again but he face went back to normal I guess you could say. Not only did I see that but the other two with me saw it and we ran up to her apartment and locked the doors. The next morning I asked him because I got the chance to see him. I literally asked, "what did we see last night?" And he replies with, "Have you ever heard of the seven gates of hell?"

I returned home telling my mom all about feeling exhausted so I took a nap on the couch. I eventually overheard my mom talking to my grandmother about seeing what I saw but the conversation was serious.

I still don't understand things that I saw and unfortunately at the time this wasn't my first encounter with weird shit happening to me.

Posted by u/carley_k

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