Creepy True Story That Happened To Me

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I had just recently started using Tinder a couple of days before this happened. I had honestly just downloaded the app to mess around because I was bored one night. I was on it one night and saw a girl named Ash that lived about 30 or so miles from me.

I decided not to pay for the app to get all the features on it like seeing who liked you and being able to message people but this girl had her Snapchat in her bio. I thought she looked pretty attractive and she said she was looking for people to talk to so I added her on my Snapchat.

I ended up going to sleep a little bit after that. The next day while I was at work she added me back, we started talking about casual things like where we went to school, if we had part time jobs and stuff like that. This went on for about 3 days until one night I texted her and she didn't respond for a bit, I didn't think much of it as she was probably hanging out with her friends as she had posted something on her story with her friends and her messing around a few hours earlier.

I went back to playing my Xbox in my room and next thing i know I see a message from her a couple hours later with nothing but just a period. I kind of just blew it off and sent a question mark. Seconds later she opened up my message but didn't respond.

I waited a couple of minutes and then sent "hello?". She immediately opened it but didn't say anything. I tried again and sent "what's up?" in the chat, again she immediately opened it but didn't respond. By this time it was around midnight and i thought maybe she was tired and just didn't want to have a conversation so I didn't think that much about it, it was still a little offsetting though.

About 10 minutes later my phone went off again; I saw it was Ash and she had sent a video to me. I was kind of confused but opened it anyways. What I saw was weird. It was a guy about 20 years old hitting up a vape for about five seconds straight, then he blew it all out of his mouth right at her phone and said in a giggly voice "She doesn't like you bro, and I'm going to beat your ass for bothering her." I thought nothing of it as I knew I had obviously had just been pranked.

A few minutes later she sent me another message it was another video. I opened it up and it was that guy again she was videoing them in a car and he was cranking up the car, after he cranked it up he looked at the camera with a grin on his face and said "we're coming to your house." As I had said earlier she only lived about 30 minutes from my house and you could take the highway basically all the way there. A few minutes went by and I checked my snap map and i saw they were heading south down the highway straight towards the town I live in. I still didn't believe it though and didn't think to turn my location off either. About another 20-25 minutes went by and I decided to check my snap map again, this whole time I had been still playing my Xbox and it was kind of in the back of my mind at this point. What I saw when I opened my snap map was horrifying, it was showing Ash's bitmoji on the street west of me in the same neighbourhood. I called a couple of my friends but none of them picked up.

A couple of minutes later I got a snap from Ash saying "Where are you at?". I didn't answer I just closed the app out. Right after she sent another message saying the exact same thing. I closed the app out again and turned the lights off in my bedroom. I also turned off my location and lied down in bed, about an hour and a half went by and nothing happened but I was terrified. I eventually went to sleep

When I woke up the next morning I turned my phone back on and checked my Snapchat, I turned my location back on as well and saw that Ash was back at the town she lived in. I saw she had added a new picture to her story and I looked at it, she had posted it about 7 hours earlier at about 1:30 in the morning. It was a picture of a street in pure darkness besides street lamps and the caption "road trip" with the city's name I live in.

Posted by u/TheBlazingPhoenix

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