My best friend's mother story about how her childhood friend was killed

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In high school, my best friend (who we will call G) and I were hanging out with her parents. Her mother rarely drank so she was a bit of a light weight and she had a few beers. She was definitely fun even just to watch but she got a bit serious once she settled down. G's mother made us promise her that we would always stick together and not go anywhere by ourselves if there was an opportunity to go with someone else. I thought it was typical mom talk and she was just trying to ensure our safety but she then she told us the story that brought us all to tear. G's mother had a childhood best friend that she would walk home with every single day. They were about 10 at time and G's mother decided to stay after school thus leaving her friend all alone. The morning came and her friend wasn't on the bus, didn't show up to school, etc. so G's mother decided to check on her after school by dropping by her house. When she arrived, her friend's house had police everywhere and everyone seemed in a panic. G's mother later found out that her friend had been killed and possibly sexually assaulted, judging by her ripped uniform , on her walk home from school. Her killer/ rapist was never found and it still haunts G's mom today. She choked down tears saying that if she walked with her friend home that day, she would still be alive. It's definitely not the scariest but it sent shivers down G's and my spine to think of someone waiting for this opportunity for her friend to be alone so they could do that to her.

Posted by u/trophy-s-wife

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