First sleepover with an uninvited guest {true story} (long)

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I was 13 when this happened, I was going over to my friend Mia's house for my first sleepover. Mia lived on a huge estate and her house was basically a mansion. My mom pulled into the dirt driveway and I noticed that it wasn't gated off like any other rich estate would be. It was about to be dinnertime and Mia was already outside waiting for me. Getting out of the car I scanned her huge yard taking note of the multiple buildings that were there. Mia lead me inside and I said hello to her mom and dad. Her mom and dad thought it would be fun if they let us have the house to ourselves, they trusted Mia enough to handle the house for one night. They would stay at a local spa hotel that was down the road so if anything was wrong they wouldn't be to far away.

Her parents were hardcore Italians so of course her mom laid out ingredients to make homemade pizza. After they were gone Mia and I started making our own pizza for dinner. We put it on one of those wooden paddles and brought it outside to their pizza oven. It was dark now and only the pizza oven gave off a dim light, we sat on her deck that overlooked the ocean and the other buildings of her estate. It was a quiet night that was until we heard a loud crash come from the barn. It sounded like wood planks falling to the ground with force. It echoed off the walls of that area for a few seconds then it was quiet again. Mia looked at me and rolled her eyes,

"Damn raccoons, they always get in the barn."

"You sure raccoons can knock over wooden planks?" I question.

"They always make a mess just ignore it." She said.

So that's what I did, I ignored that almost deliberate sound.

After a while we had our dinner and we got changed into our pyjamas and headed upstairs. I want to make a note here about how Mia's mansion is set up. Part of the upstairs is renovated and modern but there 2 rooms on the east wing that are old and one room, that was her nursery, has a hole in the floor where you can look down into the living room below. Also downstairs in the entire east wing they were renovating it so all it was was plastic curtains and wooden beams.

It was 1 am now and we decided we wanted to pull an all nighter so upstairs we bundled up on the couch to eat a ton of candy and watched a movie. The house was silent besides the movie playing. At around 2 am I heard a noise coming from downstairs. It was almost like the sound of weight transferring on one surface to another, it's hard to describe but I think you know what I mean. I nudged Mia who was half asleep she woke up angry but I put a finger to my lips before she could yell at me.

"I think I heard something downstairs."

Mia rolled her eyes again and dramatically got up and walked towards the old nursery were the hole in the floor was. She got on all fours and looked with her left eye down into the hole. At first she showed no reaction but a few seconds later her shoulders stiffened and her hands formed fists. She leaned up and she had a look of fear in her eyes.

"I don't know who it is but I saw someone's back, I'm pretty sure that's what I saw."

My instincts kicked in and walked quickly to the door to lock it, from the living room there's a stairway that gives you access to the entire upstairs, locking this door should keep us safe. I got down on my knees and told her I wanted a look. I looked down the hole and saw nothing at first but after 10 seconds or so I saw a skinny man wander by. He was wearing black and he looked to be Hispanic. I got back up and whispered to Mia.

"Call your parents, I think this guy is a robber."

Mia said her phone was back by the TV. I told her I'd be a lookout while she got it. She swiftly opened the door while I kept looking down into the hole looking for the man. Mia soon returned and was already on the phone with her parents. She now had tears in her eyes I guess she was feeling a lot of fear. I was scared too but I knew this guy so far was oblivious that there was two tween girls looking down at him. Mia said that her parents called the police and that they will have to wait in the driveway while they clear the house. 5 minutes later I heard the police announce themselves and we both tried to look into the hole to see what's happening. I could kinda see the police move past my vision looking for the man but soon I heard one say that they got him. So we took that as our cue to go back downstairs. We went outside to see a few police officers with the skinny guy, they quickly put them into the car and one came back over to question us. We told him what we knew and after that they were gone. Mia's parents also called mine so I had to go home that night which I was okay with.

We learned that it was all Mia and I's fault because we didn't lock the kitchen door after we were outside with the pizza oven. And that guy was in the barn earlier he was just waiting to see if he could get inside and unfortunately we didn't pay attention to the locks. I'm just glad that nothing bad happened to us.

Posed by u/psycho-within

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