La llorona's lament

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So this did not happen to me but it happened to my mom it is not fake. And the story goes like this...... It is Mexico, mid 80s, my mom was like 14 or 15. My mom and her older sister were dating two brothers from a pueblo near by, so they would come together to visit my mom and her sister. Since my grandparents were old school they could only talk to their boyfriends through the window they weren't allowed to go outside. So my mom says it was around 7pm it wasn't dark outside but the sun had set. My mom and her boyfriend at the time were already starting to say their goodbyes when they heard la llorona's crying go over their heads. My mom describes it like it seemed like the wind was carrying her cry but she says she felt it to her core she felt the pain and agony of the cry, it sounded like a wave of pain go over her house. Both her and her sisters boyfriend took off running. Since my mom was inside she didn't see anything but she says that hearing the lament was enough to shake her and her sister.

I have a lot more spooky stories that have been passed down to me by my mom that were passed down to her by her parents so if you guys are into Mexican folklore let me know and i can post some more.

Posted by u/yeseniyaaa

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