True story, not that scary tho

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(This is ghost story, telling how my mom turned skeptical to be believing in the paranormal)

My family was just starting to move in to a new house and all that we needed was a bed for my room. My mom drives around town to try and find any yard sales with any beds sitting and waiting to be sold. One day she finds one she looks at it and asks the owner how much, and instead of a straight answer the owner answers with,"do you have any little kids living with you?" My mom with a confused look to her face says,"yeah, why?"
"It's just because this bed is haunted by an older woman and loves younger children, so when your kids get older things will start to move or become misplaced. So when that happens make sure it has a nice home with younger children" and my mom skeptical at this moment buys the bed and sets it up in my room, years pass and me and my little brother starts to grow older. My mom and my older brother where working in my room when out of no where my closet door just creaks open, my mom gives out a small chuckle as he goes over to the door to close it. She pushes it shut with a familiar click so that she knows the door is shut she goes on working telling my bigger brother about the bed when suddenly they both hear the door click and creak open. knowing she had close the door all the way she tries one more time and after another few minutes of working in my room she hears the door click open again. Next thing you know she wants this bed out of the house so she goes to a friend of hers that she knows has younger children and gives it to them.

Posted by u/Winderkinder

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