The ghost that did my laundry

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Several years ago, we lived in a house built in the early 1900s. I was pregnant at the time and my husband was a teacher, gone all day from 6 am to 4-5 pm. There were a lot of unusual occurrences in the house, but nothing that really proved a true haunting. Things like a door opening and closing, a fan turning on randomly, doors being unlocked that we had locked, etc. During the last 6 weeks of my pregnancy, I was put on home bed rest due to early labor signs. It was during those 6 weeks that I noticed a lot of these weird occurrences happening. Of course I thought I might be going crazy, and I'm sure my husband did too.

One day, at about 2 in the afternoon, I heard the wash machine turn on. The laundry room was quite close to my bedroom, so I could hear it clearly. The top of the machine dropped down as if someone had just loaded it, and then it turned on. My first thought was that my husband came home early for whatever reason and was doing some laundry. He did most of it with me being on bed rest, so that part would not be unusual. I called for him, and got no response, so I got up and went to the laundry room to check. Nobody was there. I checked the driveway, no car. I called the school and asked the secretary for my husband. He said he hadn't been home since 6 that morning, and now he was worrying. He headed straight home.

We never figured out who loaded and started the washer. We moved out of that house not long after I had the baby. If it was a ghost, it was the nicest ghost ever, because it washed an entire load of our clothes for us that day, and then disappeared never to be heard from again.

Posted by u/voguebaby77

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