I fear for my life

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Not that long ago I woke up to my door knob shaking pretty hard. I thought it was just my brother so I ignored it. A couple nights later it did it again. Again I just thought is was my brother but then I heard my door start opening. I yank myself up and was expecting my brother, but what I saw gets me chills just thinking about it. It was a tall demonic figure standing in my door way. It was very skinny and it's head touched my ceiling, which is about 10 feet high. I thought it was just sleep paralysis but I've been waking up around 3:00 am to my closet door being wide open and hearing faint growing sounds. I'm starting to think that this thing is not friendly and it is starting to get violent. I'm scared for my life, what should I do.

Posted by u/imabullsfanboy

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