Unit 3N Tower 1

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This story happened around 2007-2008 in Manila, I was a sophomore in flight school. I had a girlfriend then who was a foreigner too, and because of the shitty public transport system in the Philippines, we both decided to rent a condo together which was only 15 minutes away from our school. It was a huge convenience for us since our daily travel time from home to school and back was reduced from 3 hours to 30 to 45 minutes. So, we found this condo that was fairly new, I think it was only a year since it was built when we moved in. The condo was an 18 square meter studio type, it was tiny but at $170 a month it was very cheap to pass up. The condo seemed normal really. The building complex was well lighted, it had private security guards going around at all hours of the day. Definitely nothing scary about it. But it was until one night about four months in that I started experiencing creepy shit. I was still a regular smoker back then and I didn't want to stink up our tiny ass room so I always smoked in the fire exit. The fire exit was about 3 rooms down just beside the elevators, the hallway and corridor are well lit but the fire exit was pitch black at night but it had motion sensing lights that went on for about maybe 12-15 seconds. So what I did was since I was a little pussy bitch I'd block the fire exit door with my foot so I had some light streaming in from the hallway (the fire exit door had a crash bar kind of door handle and could only be opened from inside the hallway) and wave my arms when the motion sensing lights went off. It was just a normal night, nothing eventful, nothing out of the ordinary, just having another ciggy in my smoke spot. All of a sudden I hear the door on the ground level (i was on the third floor) open and shut, then I hear humming (sounded like an old song you would hum to put a baby to sleep) and foot steps going up the stairs. At first I didn't really bother but then I realized how creepy the humming was, I peaked down thru the stair railings to see who it was but I didn't even see the motion sensing lights come on and I could still hear foot steps. First thing that came into mind was "fuck this isn't normal, leave already", but I was a bit stunned and unsure, until I hear the foot steps and humming stop beneath my floor for a split second then became loud heavy stomps as if someone was skipping some steps of the stairs. That was the moment I started booking it back to my room. I literally shoulder tackled the door and almost fell to the floor. My girlfriend, startled and confused asked me what happened, as I was explaining to her what I heard she kept taking quick glances out the door, and the only thing she told me was "that's because you don't pray and believe in god" (my girlfriend then was an active christian church goer) and then she casually closes the door. Fast forward about two months, it was the end of the semester for us and my girlfriend was flying back to Korea to spend the holidays with her family. On the same day she left I went out for some drinks with buddies of mine to celebrate the end of the semester. Night went on and around midnight I was already hammered and decided to head home. It was a typical night nothing weird at all, I didn't feel anything as I walked in the room. I was so exhausted I didn't even bother removing my clothes, I just jumped on the bed and closed my eyes. I wake up about two hours later with this weird eerie feeling as if someone was watching me from the pitch black corner of the door, and what was more weird was it was almost 3 am and it felt like I didn't get any sleep at all, like I just blinked my eyes and two hours have gone by. I felt something was wrong and my hair was already raising so I just stayed in bed but changed my position from my feet pointing towards the door to the opposite direction which was the window, so I wouldn't see the dark corner of the door. I fell asleep and wake up to the same shit like I just blinked my eyes and 45 minutes was gone, like literally didn't get any sleep, but this time I was sweating already, it was stifling hot in the room even with my window open. Even though it was hot I didn't bother opening the AC anymore cos' I was bitching out big time already, what I did was just face the wall and try to go back to sleep. Once again I wake up the same way, this was around 4 in the morning but this time the light in the kitchen area was on, it wasn't exactly fully on, it was on dim, it wasn't flickering like what you see in horror movies and such, it was just dim. I was already internally panicking but just stayed quiet. After maybe 15 minutes of trying to muster the courage to stand up, I finally stood up but had my back against the wall and slowly dragged my body against the wall to the light switch and when flicked the switch the fucking light went full bright. I instantly fucking Usain Bolted my ass to the 9th floor and crashed in my buddy's room. As soon as I wake up I tell my buddy what happened, and he just laughed at me saying maybe I was just too shit faced. This buddy of mine was a 6 foot 4, 300 pound, Australian big bastard and I asked him to accompany me to my room just to check it out. As soon as we opened the door this foul smell just welcomed us in, the fucking room was a mess. The room looked like it was ransacked by 10 hobos and just started chucking our stuff around the place, clothes were all over the place, fridge was open and food was all over the floor, the sofa bed was vertical, the tables and chairs were toppled over, the toilet was overflowing and the big ass mirror we had, including the walls had what seemed to be mud like someone did some finger painting. My buddy was stunned and couldn't believe what he saw. We immediately ran downstairs to report it to the security people and have the room checked, but they did not see anything or anyone even in the CCTVs. So I called my girl and told what had happened and she starts telling me stories of what she has seen and felt in the room. Apparently every time I was gone doing my flight training (we flew to this island 56 miles south west of Manila for a minimum of a week at a time) she encounters scary shit. In total she told me she had 5 experiences in our room. First time was she was putting on her skin care products in front of the mirror and saw what seemed to be a little person or kid hiding underneath our dining table beside the shoe rack, she told me that it looked like it was covered in mud but and as she turned around it was gone. Second was she kept hearing a child crying inside our bathroom and when she went to check it the faucet was running and the bathroom was already flooded, but no sign of anyone inside. Third was when it started getting serious, she woke up to laughter coming from the bathroom, but it wasn't just normal laughter the way she described it, it sounded sinister she said, and the laughing stopped after a loud bang on the door. The fourth one was the scariest she told me, she woke up around the wee hours of the night to see a little child wearing a dress squatting on the floor with her hands clutching her knees, and her head tilted to the side staring and smiling at my girlfriend, when my girlfriend tried to look away and pray she saw this dark figure of a man with plain white eyes just standing near her feet by the end of bed. Fifth was when I came running in the room she told me that the dark figure she saw before was in front of the fire exit door staring at her smiling and panting as if it was out of breath. My buddy and I packed our shit and rented out a house two hours away from school, we didn't want to be anywhere near that fucking building anymore. If any of you are planning to visit the Philippines DO NOT rent any BnB in Avida Towers Sucat.

Posted by u/Jamestrong

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