There's something in my neighbourhood...

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I'm a 16 year old dude, and this happened a few weeks ago. I'm fairly chill and I just live with my grandfather on the east side Kentucky, barely above the Tennessee line. I'm a big guy and typically I don't do anything particularly bad. I don't smoke, I don't dip, I don't even drink. To be clear my grandfather is 76 and has just about beaten some type of Leukemia. I'm a welding nerd also, it's the thing I enjoy most at school. Sometimes when I can't sleep, or I wake up in the middle of the night, I put on some clothes and go outside to my Shed. My "shed" is really a spare 2 car garage with metal working equipment inside. I find the sound of the arcs pleasing to my ear while I'm tired and it can help me ease my mind, as I'm a nervous person to begin with. Now if you're not familiar with eastern Kentucky, it's like a bowl, mountains surround you 360° and thing like coyotes and snakes are common to see rummaging about at night, they don't really scare me because the path to my shed is well lit and concrete. I have a few windows in the building, all but 2 are broken out from stupid shit I did as a little kid the inside of the shop is actually brighter then my bedroom, there's plenty of light so I turned my ventilation on, set up my welder and started welding on some scrap metal to practice the 3F position (Aka vertical Welding) with the SMAW process. I do this a lot and no one really minds as my ventilation system is rather quiet and you'd have the hearing of a bat to notice it in another house. I'm sat there in my metal stool and something is wrong. I'm a pretty talented welder by nature, it comes as natural to me as breathing, so when my welds looked shaky and there was spatter everywhere, I knew something was wrong. My welder was set right, so I hadn't bumped it with my knee when welding. I heard something, like a cow bell, my neighbour has a cow in his yard so I figured she got out (It happens a lot). So I looked outside and didn't see her...anywhere... this isn't a calf, this is a nearly full grown cow, that weighs upwards of 1200 lbs, they don't just vanish into thin air. I checked another window and I could barely see anything, my shed may be bright but the trees block most of that light at night, but I did see something...Now I kinda wish in hadn't seen if. It was deformed, weird and long, it had fur, so I thought I was just looking at a coyote pack but no. This thing was too big to be a coyote. Or a wolf, and too skinny to be a bear. Imagine a stereotypical Bigfoot, and starve him that's what this looked like. Somehow it was more greasy and horrible then I first thought. I turned my welder off and then ran back into my house, I grabbed a flare gun and headed back outside...looking back on this I really don't know why I didn't grab my grandfather's rifle, I have a hunting permit and this thing is on my property. Somehow in my head shooting a flare at it was the best idea since inventing electricity. So I opened the window and shot a flare at the thing. I don't think I regret anything more than I regret looked up, and its face was horrifying, like a bulldog, its face was scrunched up and small, protruding out just enough to notice, and to make it all worse it was on a big round head. It looked at me, howled a screech and ran, I guess the flare was as scary to it as it was to me... I found out that my neighbour's cow had had the bell stolen off of it and been scratched deeply in the neck, back, and the legs. I told everyone about what I saw. And what worries me now is that another neighbour of mine claims to have seen it took a chicken of his.

Posted by u/Nsylfian

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