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(This is my first post on Reddit )

When I was 14 me and two friends I (will call "Jack" and "Gareth") Decided to explore an abandoned school not to far from our actual school. We had been planning to explore it for a while...eventually we did. When we first entered the abandoned school it was around 6:30pm. Now keep in mind that this was an 3 story school. The first two floor's was fine we were having fun trying to scare eachother now and then. Until we went up to the third and final story. We went on until we found a locked room (Maybe a closet) we tried do hard to open it we tried everything to unlock that room. We eventually gave up and kept on looking around. After 20 minutes of exploring we went back to the stairs near the locked door. (Other staircase was blocked) Only this time to see the "Locked" door fully open. Jack basically walked in without thinking....Gareth following just behind him but I didn't want to go in. I told them that they may be someone in there and was scared to enter. We found out that the room was full of skittles and ripped up clothes and a bed I told both if my friends that we should leave before whoever was in there before wouldn't come back. After we took about 10 feet away from the room the door slammed shut HARD. We all ran for it leaving the school in a matter of seconds.

I will never know who or what slammed that door but now that I look back on it we could have been raped or worse.

Posted by u/Fliuqe

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