My brother has to sleep with light on still... he's 21

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My brother and my mom not me.

A lot of people will think this is fake but it actually happened and I'm still terrified about it.

So when I was about 13 or 15, I woke up one night and I heard someone talking. It wasn't anyone I knew but when I was more awake I realized my brother was talking in a voice that wasn't his own. He was also speaking a language that he had never spoken before. I went to my oldest brothers room as he was still awake reading a book. He said he heard him so we both started praying. In a really deep voice my 16 year old brother says: "Shut up, you jack ass" we concluded that he had gotten possessed momentarily. We thought it was pretty spooky but it gets worse.

The week after, my brother woke up in the middle of the night and he smelled sulfur (basically smells like someone ripped ass hard) and heard chains rattling and metal grinding on metal. He looked up and saw the door swing open and a shadowy figure walk into our room. (We slept in the same room) the figure moved to his bed and pressed his hand onto his chest and started pressing down violently. I woke up to him screaming and when I looked over I could see him suffocating and heard his ribs cracking. I could also hear the springs in his mattress breaking and bending. As we were both sorta Christian he cried out: "Jesus help me". Literally in an instant everything went quiet and his bed formed back to normal as did his ribs. After that we went to tell my parents, who were already awake because of this whole ordeal. All of my siblings decided to sleep in the office room next to my parents bedroom as we felt safer there. It was a struggle to fall back asleep but I eventually fell asleep when it happened again.

We all woke up to my mom screaming in her bedroom. My dad came sprinting out of the bedroom in panic. You could see the fear in his face my mom stopped screaming and just started crying we all went in and asked what happened and she said that something grabbed her mouth and head and started pulling on her. We were all pretty freaked out so we all stood up the rest of the night and chilled because everyone was to scared to sleep.

Posted by u/dat-one-chikin

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