Your Uber Has Departed

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The imperfect nature of Uber has made me feel like something of a watcher. A non player character in the lives of hundreds of strangers.

I pick them up, I act either exactly as they think I will or deviate slightly and make them laugh. I echo back there energy. If they are joyous and raucous I add to the energy with quips and lively music. If they are solemn, I respect their silence.

I see everyone. I've picked people up at the airport, bars, strip clubs, accidents and even prison. I would hazard that I have seen people at as many stages of life as anyone other profession - save perhaps priests.

But. like a solemn visitor from another plane - I am unable to truly act while they are in my car. I must agree, smile or remain silent, lest they lambaste me on the reviews, decreasing my earning potential. I am a crowd sourced clown, a neutral party, appeasing to all. I have heard twisted libertine businessmen describe their affairs and over zealous members of religious groups blaspheme the very doctrines which they claim to teach.

What I saw - or more accurately heard tonight, is why I have come here, and written this statement. Please, understand, Officer, that my prelude is to set this context, that - in order to write this in truth, I must include my emotions and justify my behavior - lest I think that I betrayed poor Abigail.

For context, Abigail Euchovich is the name of my ex-wife. Our marriage deteriorated 3 years ago, along with the vast majority of my life. She got the house, the dog, and the kids. I got to keep my car. The reasons for the divorce were simple - She was not open to understanding my needs in any sense and she, and the courts, regarded them as unnatural and thus, our marriage was terminated.

But, I do not hold her in any low regard as a result. She is - or I suppose a better term would be - was a Templar of virtue. Despite her friendly glances and long nights at the gym with her primarily male coworkers, each one of them little virile monkeys of horniness, I am sure she never cheated on me. I'm sure she just - lost interest in sex with me because of my changes. She just - couldn't accept who I was inside. What I was. And when I started showing it on the outside, she felt it was even more disgusting.

And Officer, you may feel that she was correct - that my deviant desires and expressions are truly deserving of punishment. But please, do not let your judgment of my state cloud your observation of the facts, of which I shall continue to recount.

I received the ping at about 3:03 AM on my Uber App. Like all Uber requests, it came in - simply as "Abigail" at Viceroy Night Club in Westport.

I arrived - outside the building flickering and flashing with lights, pulsating with sounds that - to my ears sounded more demonic than joyous. Men, and woman processed out, each clad in less clothing than the each, but each seeming to my eyes predatorial. The men bumped into one another, asserting dominance and glaring, the girls cooed at their strong men, before batting their eyes at others, to cause them to collide. It was appalling. A show of demonic boredom in my eyes. And as I looked down my phone, I could not perceive that it might be - my Abigail - my virtuous Abigail, who had spent even an inkling of time in this foul nest of scum.

After the designated two minutes, no one showed up to enter my car. So, like any self respecting Uber driver, I pressed the call button, to reach my contact. It rang once, and was immediately silenced.

Thinking nothing of it, I tried again. Again, silence.

Finally, I resolved to cancel the Uber, but not after one more call.

She picked up this time, and despite her drunken slur, I could tell it was her. "'Ello? Who is this?"

"This is Alan, your Uber driver. I am outside Viceroy Club."

"What do you mean? I'm in my Uber currently."

"I don't believe that's accurate m'am."

I heard this conversation, ever so slightly, from the speaker. "Sir, can you show me the... Uber... app?"

And then - a rustling sound, like something was falling, and a thump - as I assumed she had dropped the phone.

"Oh my God! Help - someone! Help! I - "

"Abigail! Where are you?"

"I can - Aghh -- please --- stop --- why..."

And after that officer, I couldn't process anything. Not for 24 hours, but that is why I came here. I wanted to explain this conversation in person. Or, in writing at least.

Posted by u/BeardEdward

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