I almost died because of a crazy teenager!

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Once I was hanging around my town with my friend. Let's call her Sarah. Sarah and I were hanging around and noticed this creepy man slowly coming towards us (mind you it's pitch black outside) so we began walking towards her house. The man started with a quicker pace and so did we. We took 4 left turns to see if he really was following us and it worked. So then we got really worried. I read somewhere that if you think someone might attack you look them in the eye and say "what do you want from me" or ask them a question. Then you see their face and are able to identify them in a lineup. So I turned around and stood as tall as I could (I was 5'10 and he was probably around 6'2-4) so I stood there and said, " can we help you?" And he just panicked and ran the other direction so fast it was crazy. We went home and had a sleepover. The next day we decided to go out again only this time it was light out. Then, we saw the same man AGAIN! I was mad, we went to three different stores and ended up bumping into him at all three. So we decided to take the same route again and find out what he wanted. (This time we were smart enough to bring pocket knifes with us just in case) so we begin walking and it's getting dark outside. He starts approaching us at a quick pace and finally grabbed Sarah's shoulder, she pulled her knife out and so did I. The man backed away slowly and said that he wasn't going to hurt us. (Of course we didn't believe him so we kept our knifes out. ) He explained that his friend who was roughly the same height as him was going to hurt two girls from his school. He came to warn us that he thought it might be us. We started walking towards a busy park keeping our distance with our knifes out and let him explain. He told us that his friend had a journal that he accidentally left at his house and the description of the two girls matched us perfectly (and because we walked on the same route as the journal described he assumed it was us) he just wanted to let us know and told us to be careful and maybe we should call the cops. So we did. We called the police and his friend was arrested because the journal was found and was proven that it was his friends handwriting in the journal. CCTV cameras also proved that the night before it was his friend following us, and it showed horrifying footage of him writing in the journal, noticing us then begin walking in the same direction as us. So in conclusion the guy had planned some very horrifying shit and was actually going to do them. If it wasn't for his friend we could have died that night.

Ps: the police told us that his friend might have changed his mind and that's why he got spooked when we turned around and confronted him the first night.

Posted by u/SierraRoseMerry

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