There's something in my house

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My wife and I purchased our home in 2016, the neighbour across the street was the first to introduce himself. He asked me if I had heard about what had happened to the previous owner. Having no clue he filled me in, a few years back the couple who had owned the house had went their separate ways, the husband took it pretty bad he fell into depression. He committed suicide in the back yard not long after. He placed all of his most precious belongings on his favorite blanket, pulled out his hand gun and blew his brains out. While clearing out the vines from the fence line I found his walking cane hung on the fence.

It first started with my wife noticing the cupboard closest to the back yard door opening and closing slowly on its own, hearing random noises around the house etc. Then something started to show itself a little more. One night my wife opened our bedroom door and in the pitch black room she saw a white face, hovering over my pillow, it had no noticeable features just two dark spots where the eyes should have been. Another time my wife was watching tv in our living room, she saw a tall male figure frantically pacing back and forth in our hallway. One time we both were in the living room at night watching tv both of us in our recliners, all of a sudden she screams and says she saw someone put both of their hands on the door frame and peak their head out as if playing peekaboo with her, that one really scared her she couldn't catch herself as the sheer terror was much to real for her. She has seen a tall lanky shadow creeping around in the back yard, she described it as looking like the pumpkin head monster from the movie pumpkin head, she's heard a little girls voice calling my name around 3 am only to open the door and nobody being there. I have seen something only one time, I was coming back inside from letting the dogs out when I walked passed the little space between the cupboards and our dining room wall, there in the dark I could make out a little person standing there in the corner, it looked like a little girl or a woman I couldn't tell, her hair was very long almost touching the floor and pitch black, I could not believe my eyes.

We're not sure what it is where experiencing in our home but it feels like there is always something lurking in the darkest corners in our house.

Posted by u/alienwolf35

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