She won't leave me alone! HELP ME!

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Hi I'm 15 years old and I live in South Africa. I live on a farm with my Mom, Dad and Sister.

I was home alone. My sister and her weird goth friends are at some stupid rock concert and my parents we're out to go to some stupid convention regarding my dad's new job. As sad as I am about it, my dad was planning on selling the farm and buying a new house. I wasn't so happy about my parents' decision, because I grew up on the farm. But what does a 15 year old teenager know anyway?

(At this point we are already living in our new house)

Day 7 in the new house I'm already hating it, apart from the smell of old people and dust, the thing that bothers me the most, is the feeling of never being alone. Every night I struggle falling asleep, because as soon as I turn of my bed lamp, I feel someone (or something) watching me. Whether it's standing in the corner of my room; or lirking from within my closet; or even hovering right above me - I never feel alone.

Day 31 (the appearance) This night, this particular night, "she" made herself present. But in the most gruesome way. (Let me start at the beginning) I was asleep, and suddenly I waked up, I rushed as quick as I can to turn the light on, but to find a women standing at the foot of my bed, staring at me. Her face was all busted up and full off blood. With long, sharp teeth, pure black eyes, pale skin, long black hair and dripping blood from her eyes, nose and mouth. I. Was. Paralyzed. In one swoosh, I grabbed my Bible that's always lying next to me on my night stand; and threw it at the "women", screaming: "Leave me alone! God will protect me, you are useless! Go AWAY!" In a split second she vanished. I am shook to the core. I'm so confused, scared and shaking none stop. That's when it hit me, the smell of something burning. I was confused, because there was absolutely no smoke in sight. Thats when I saw it, my Bible lying on the floor, but on the front there was written in something that looked like charcoal; "666". I didn't know what to do, so I ran to my Mom and Dad's room to wake them up and it them come see what happened. The heavy sleeper that my mother is, she didn't wake up; but my dad woke up. I pulled and yanked his arm all the way to my room. But when I entered my room, my jaw dropped. Everything was normal. No blood on the floor where the "women" stood and my Bible lying i'm my nightstand perfectly fine.

I can't completely explain what happen that night; whether it was a dream or was it a warning? But what ever that "thing" was; it will never leave (how do you think I know that? Because every night I keep smelling the smell of something burning).

Posted by u/ssstefan2004

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