Hitchhiking in Rural Australia

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This truly happened about 20 years ago to my mum.

When my mum was travelling and hitchhiking around Australia she had many experiences and this is just one. Her and her university friend (let's call him Jake), were on their way to go scuba diving at a beach called Airlie Beach.

It was in the middle of the night and they wanted to get there by early morning, but they were hours away, so they decided to try and get a hitchhike. Hitchhiking was really common in that area so it wasn't unusual. A man with a deep Australian accent picked them up in an old pickup truck. My mum sat in the front with her huge backpack, and Jake sat in the back with his bag.

The driver seemed friendly and started talking to them, after the first hour, he slowly began to stop speaking. About 1 hour into the ride, they came to the desolate intersection that led to Airlie Beach. The intersection was surrounded by about 8 foot of sweet corn as far as they could see, and it was pitch black, with no other cars.

The man stopped the car in the middle of the road and turned off the engine. Silence.

He said in a completely casual tone, "I'm not taking you to the beach."

My mum replied with: "Sorry, why's that?"

My mum never forget what he said next, as he stared into the dark he said: "You are coming back to my place, I pissed on my mattress and I need you to help me move it"

My mums hearted dropped, she began to lift her bag off her lap, and slowly began to reach for the door. Jake saw what she was doing and began to do the same. My mum counted to three and rolled out of the stationary car, Jake did the same. The driver began to get out of the car to get them. But by a massive miracle cliche, an old man in an old truck, turned the corner to the intersection. The driver got back in his car as my mum and Jake got into the other mans truck.

The old man took them all the way to Airlie Beach.

Posted by u/ Striit

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